Hi all,
Please note: send all correspondence to me only at: terrymosel@aol.com
1. IAA Lecture, Wed 11 December, 7.30 p.m., Larmor Lecture Theatre, Physics building, QUB: " Unlocking the mysteries of superluminous supernovae" by Aysha Amer, and
"Searching For Giant Exorings" by Niamh Mallaghan, both of the Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB
Abstract: Superluminous supernovae are mysterious explosions up to 100 times brighter than typical supernovae, and therefore require a much more energetic power source. In this talk I'll present SN2019szu, a superluminous supernova with unique properties, including a plateau in the light curve before explosion! The spectrum also reveals peculiar insights into this object such as an emission line at early times, indicating interaction with material outside the supernova. Analysis of this event suggests it is one of the best candidates for pulsational pair-instability, a mechanism that allows stars to ejects massive shells of material before exploding.
Aysha is a final year PhD student studying superluminous supernovae, tidal disruption events, and other weird and exotic transients. She started her PhD at the University of Birmingham before moving over to Belfast last year to complete it.
Abstract: In this talk I will be covering rings around planets within our solar system, theories about how they formed and how they have survived so long. Once the background has been set then we will discuss how we might find rings around planets outside of our solar system, known as exorings, along with the candidates that have been discovered thus far, and why this area of exoplanet research is important.
Biography: Niamh is a second year PhD student at QUB studying in the Exoplanet group with Ernst de Mooij and Chris Watson. She works on the search for and characterisation of exoring systems.
Admission free, all are welcome, including Light Refreshments.
2. (Prof Mihalis Mathioudakis has invited IAA members to attend this event. Note that it's on the afternoon just before our own lecture meeting at 7.30 p.m. Admission free, but you must register)
Third Sir Harrie Massey Colloquia – Wednesday 11 December 2024
The US National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope: Operations commissioning – science results and lessons learned
by Dr Thomas Rimmele, National Solar Observatory
Location, Larmor Lecture Theatre; 15:00 - 16:00
We are delighted to welcome Professor Thomas Rimmele from the National Solar Observatory to the school as part of our 2024-25 Sir Harrie Massey Colloquia series.
Professor Rimmele will deliver a lecture titled 'The US National Science Foundation's Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope: Operations commissioning – science results and lessons learned'. An abstract and biography can be found below.
The US National Science Foundation's 4m Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) on Haleakala, Maui is the largest solar telescope in the world. DKIST's superb resolution and polarimetric sensitivity enables astronomers to explore the origins of solar magnetism, the mechanisms of coronal heating and drivers of flares and coronal mass ejections. Using solar adaptive optics DKIST provides the highest resolution images of the solar atmosphere to-date. DKIST also operates as a coronagraph at infrared wavelengths, providing crucial measurements of the magnetic field in the corona. During its Operations Commissioning Phase, DKIST has already conducted a significant number of shared-risk observations for community researchers. The complex raw data are calibrated by the DKIST Data Center located in Boulder and distributed to the science community. We'll present an overview of DKIST and its instruments, discuss examples of first science results, and if time allows, mention a few lessons learned during the commissioning phase of this $400M project and touch on ongoing instrument developments.
Biography: Dr. Thomas Rimmele is Project Director of the 4m Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope project located on Halekakala. Designed and developed to meet the needs of critical high resolution and high sensitivity spectral and polarimetric observations of the sun, DKIST will observe with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity solar magnetism and its influence on Earth and our technological society. Dr. Rimmele received his PhD from the University of Freiburg, Germany. He is a tenured Astronomer at the National Solar Observatory. As Associate Director at NSO he is responsible for the construction and the operations of DKIST. Dr. Rimmele works closely with international partners, US Universities and National Laboratories where state-of-the-art instruments for DKIST are developed. His research interests include development of solar adaptive optics, multi-conjugate adaptive optics, high resolution imaging techniques and the study of solar magnetic fields and the origins of solar activity.
Event type
3. WhatsApp Group for alerts on Observing Nights.
The IAA have set up a WhatsApp Group for updates on Observing Nights. If you would like to be included in this group, please e mail Mary at callistoboxers@hotmail.com with your full name & mobile telephone number.
No discussions about anything other than Observing Nights will be posted on this group.
4. Geminid Meteor shower begins soon.
One of the best showers of the year, it peaks on the night of December 13/14, but some early members are already visible, and the Moon is not yet too bright.
However, the maximum will be spoiled by the almost Full Moon this year. But the ZHR can exceed 100 in good conditions, so it's worth having a look for bright fireballs. The best technique is to position yourself so that the Moon is hidden behind a building or evergreen tree, and then look towards the darkest part of the sky that you can find, but preferably about 40 – 50 degrees from the radiant, near Castor.
The Ursids peak on 22 December. Rates are usually about 10-12 per hour, and you should have Moonless skies up to midnight. The radiant is near Kochab, or Beta Ursa Minoris (the Little Bear)
The Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) is the rate which would be seen by an experienced observer, in a VERY dark sky, and with the radiant in the zenith: actual observed rates very rarely reach the nominal ZHR for various reasons.
5. Asteroid 15 Eunomia, one of the brightest of the S class asteroids, which are slightly reddish in colour, will be at opposition in Auriga on 14 December, at magnitude 8. It will pass less than 1/6 of a degree South of 4th magnitude 16 Aurigae on the night of 18-19 December
6. Saturn still visible.
Saturn is still well placed for observing in Aquarius in the S as the sky darkens, although it's fairly low in our skies. It's mag 0.9, with a disc diameter of 17".
Notice how narrow the rings are now! The angle is about 5 degrees, because of the retrograde motion. But they will soon gradually get narrower as Saturn approaches its 'equinox' next March, in other words its equator and ring plane will be edge on to the Sun, and therefore almost edge on to the Earth. Observe it for as long as possible to see just how narrow they get!
Also look out for some of its many moons, Titan (8m.3) is easy to see in any telescope, Rhea is also fairly easy at 9m.7. Tethys (10m.2) and Dione (10m.8) are also fairly easy in a reasonable telescope. Enceladus (11m.7) and especially Mimas (12m.9) are challenging, but will be easier to see as the rings narrow and become less bright; they will be even easier to see next year as the rings narrow almost to invisibility.
Mark your diaries for the occultation by the Moon on 4 January – more below.
7. Brilliant Jupiter at Opposition!
It's now really bright in Taurus with opposition on 7 December. It's mag -2.8, which makes it the second brightest planet, after Venus, and a brightness that can only rarely by reached by Mars if it's at a very close perihelic opposition. The disc diameter is an impressive 48.2", which is a greater visible disc area than ALL the other planets combined! Venus can exceed that, but only when it's almost between us and the Sun, showing only a thin crescent.
Even a 75mm telescope will show the Great Red Spot when it's on or near the meridian. Binoculars will show the 4 big Galilean Moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, and a moderate telescope will show at least the start and end of their transits across the disc. That's because the edge of the planet is darker than the middle due to 'limb darkening', so the bright satellite shows up against the dark background. But when the satellite is near the middle of the disc, the contrast with the brighter background is much less, and it takes a big telescope and steady seeing to reveal the satellite.
However, the much darker shadows of the satellites are easy to see the whole way across the disc. Also interesting to watch, and easier to see, are the satellites entering and leaving eclipse in Jupiter's shadow, except very near opposition when this happens very close to the disc itself, as now.
At the moment, the outer Moon, Callisto, does not undergo any of these phenomena, because of the orbital tilt at present, so it always passes just above or just below the disc of Jupiter each orbit.
See NASA | Jupiter in 4k Ultra HD
8. Venus creeping up into the SW evening twilight. The Evening Star is starting to live up to its name, creeping out from the solar glare, and eventually becoming quite well placed just in time for Xmas. It's quite obvious now, in the evening twilight not long after sunset. It's magnitude -4, with a disc diameter of 16".
9. MARS The Red Planet is now becoming more prominent late in the night, in Cancer, but not too far from Castor and Pollux in Gemini. It's magnitude -0.6, but still very small with an apparent diameter of only 12". It will get brighter and bigger as it approaches opposition on 16 January.
10. ISS. The ISS will start a new series of morning passes on 13 December. See www.heavens_above.com for details
11. IAA Annual Subscriptions. Subscriptions were due on 1 September. Members who have not renewed will not get the next issue of STARDUST
See https://irishastro.org/join-the-iaa/
Membership of the IAA costs £20 (€25) per year for Individual Membership or £25 (€30) per year for Family Membership (all members of a family at one address) from September to August and entitles members to attend all IAA events including our regular speaker programme. Also, there are four issues of the IAA magazine "Stardust" produced annually and these will be delivered to your home address.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please select the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also http://www.irishastro.org/ https://irishastro.org/
12. Recurrent Nova T Corona Borealis – SEE LATEST NEWS, at end of this item
I hate to have to say – "I told you so." OK, that's not true – everyone likes to know that they've been right, when they've gone out on a limb!
There were reports on social media in early March that T CrB was due to explode again in the next week or two, i.e. in late March: I stuck my neck out, and said that we couldn't predict the next outburst with that degree of accuracy. That period has now well passed, so I was right.
There have since been several more articles, saying much the same thing, and it still hasn't happened. The position remains the same - It could explode tomorrow – or not for another year or more! It's normally around magnitude 10 but in 1946 it faded to about 11 just before the outburst on 9 February, but at outburst it reaches mag 2.0 or 3.0 (as in 1946)
The first outburst was discovered by Irish astronomer John Birmingham in Tuam, Co Galway, on 12 May 1866. Earlier archive observations indicate possible previous outbursts in 1217, 1787, as well as 1866 & 1946. The eruptions in 1787, 1866 and 1946, indicated an approximate 80 year period. BUT you can't assume a period from only 2 intervals ! However, in the year before the 1946 outburst, it dimmed to magnitude 12.3, and this has happened again recently, suggesting a possible outburst is imminent. BUT, once again, you can't predict from a single event!
Incidentally, the gap from 1217 to 1787, assuming some eruptions that were not observed, gives a
period of 81.4 years if there were 7 outbursts, so that's fairly constant!
As I've said many times, while there are records of several previous explosions, we only have a sample of one set of detailed observations of the pre-explosion stage – in 1946. And it's always dangerous to extrapolate from one set of observations!
So, keep an eye on it - comparison charts can be found on the websites of the BAA Variable Star Section, or the AAVSO. The current magnitude is around 10, so you'll need a good telescope to see it now.
(BTW, don't confuse it with the other nearby famous variable star, R CrB, which does the opposite – it stays normally around 6th magnitude, but occasionally dims to as faint as magnitude 14 or 15!)
(And for comparison, the other not quite so well-known recurrent nova, RS Oph, was seen to, or is thought to have, erupted 9 times since 1898 – with intervals of approximately 9, 26, 12, 13, 9, 18, 21 and 18 years; so its period is by no means constant.)
Anyway, do keep an eye out – T CrB lies just outside the East side of the circle of the 'Crown', about a degree from Epsilon CrB, but you really do need charts to observe it properly. It's getting in the W as the bright twilight ends, about 25 degrees to the left of Arcturus.
But, although it's not circumpolar, it's far enough North that when it's no longer visible in the West after sunset, it's visible in the morning sky in the East before sunrise.
It's at Declination: 25° 55′ 12.613″; R.A.: 15h 59m 30.1622s
See also https://www.facebook.com/share/39XnUDPUGgsnmMDG/
And now this! Talk about a misleading headline!?! Much-awaited star explosion is finally here. How to watch it and where to look https://www.wionews.com/science/much-awaited-star-explosion-is-finally-here-how-to-watch-it-and-where-to-look-762377
Now they're saying "sometime this year" – and also, in the same article "within the next couple of years" ! What Is the 'Zombie Star' Set To Come Back to Life According to NASA? - Newsweek and this –
Another article with misleading statements and irrelevant illustrations ! A rare stellar explosion is coming: the first in 80 years
FINALLY - Someone else confirms what I've been saying since early March!
T Coronae Borealis: Why the mysterious star still remains unexploded
See near the end - "When should we expect an explosion?"
ANOTHER UPDATE: Where's the Blaze Star? Why the overdue 'new star' T Coronae Borealis has yet to light up the night sky
It's NOT overdue. Any sensible assessment would have concluded that it was impossible to predict to within a year, let alone within weeks or months!
13. Moon Occults Saturn, 4 January.
The waxing 5 day old crescent Moon will occult Saturn on the early evening of Saturday 4 January. The exact time will depend on your location, but as a general guide, it starts at about 17.15. This will be a beautiful sight, with the Earthlit ghostly lunar limb slowly approaching and covering the Rings and then the planet. The Moon will not be so bright as to drown out the satellites, so at least the occultation of Titan should also be visible in a moderate telescope. More details later, but save the date!
We hope to have a public observing event for this occultation in front of the main building at QUB: details TBC
14. DEEP SKY Star Atlases for sale: Uranometria 2000, in 2 Volumes
The books are "as new" in excellent condition. "Uranometria 2000.0 is the gold standard of deep sky atlases", the one by which all others are measured. Vol I covers the Northern Hemisphere, Vol 2 the Southern. These large books give astronomers, astrophotographers and CCD imagers an accurate roadmap when planning an observing or astrophotography session. The charts all have a generous overlap with neighbouring charts on each side. To give you an idea of the scale, the Andromeda Galaxy is shown with a length on the page of 55mm.
The atlas contains 332,556 stars, to mag 9.5, plus 10,300 Deep Sky Objects. Variables are denoted by open circles, and double or multiple stars, globular clusters, open clusters, planetary nebulae, bright diffuse nebulae, dark nebulae, galaxies, radio sources, x-ray sources and quasars are all separately identified.
They come complete with transparent reticule grids for accurately reading positions in RA and Dec.
Available second hand, from Amazon at £97.00 each: I would let both go for £150 ONO to a good home. Inspection visits welcome!!! Contact Dr Seamus Quinn, squinn802@hotmail.com, for details.
15. GALWAY ASTROFEST, 25 January.
More details soon .
16. Irish Astronomy Week 2025; March 1st to 8th.
Ronan Newman launched this event, which was a great success last year, but due to personal circumstances he won't be so involved in this one. So it will be up to individual clubs to organise their own events,
Irish Astronomy Week is a national event in Ireland that celebrates and promotes interest in astronomy. It's a week filled with events, talks, workshops, and stargazing sessions organized by various astronomy clubs, observatories, schools, libraries, and science centres throughout Ireland. The week encourages people of all ages to engage with the wonders of space and understand more about the universe.
During Irish Astronomy Week, you'll typically find: Public talks by prominent astronomers and astrophysicists, covering topics like black holes, planets, and stars. Stargazing sessions with telescopes set up for public use to view the beautiful March conjunction of planets and Moon hosted by local astronomy clubs or observatories. Workshops and activities in libraries aimed at children and families, with fun and educational activities related to space. Planetarium shows and virtual reality experiences to help people explore space in immersive ways
Outreach events in schools to inspire students about careers in space science and technology. Irish Astronomy Week provides an opportunity for both amateur astronomers and the general public to explore astronomy together and to develop a greater appreciation for the night sky. Information about it can be found through our Facebook page, our website and other related groups as the week approaches.
See https://www.facebook.com/share/1B124rbzHv/
And https://www.facebook.com/share/18UAaWnbBB/
17. Total Lunar Eclipse, 14 March. This occurs in the pre-dawn sky, as the Moon is getting very low. The start of totality is just visible here before the Moon sets.
18. Partial Solar Eclipse, 29 March. The magnitude will be over 50% for all of Ireland, with NW Mayo getting 57%. We hope to organise at least one public observing event for this eclipse.
19. INSAP, QUB, 9-12 June, and at AOP, 13 June.
20. European Astronomy Society 2025 meeting in Cork 23-27 June 2025
21. ALAN 2025, 28 – 30 October 2025, Westport.
Preparations are under way for the 9th Scientific Conference on Artificial Light At Night, ALAN2025, from October 28-30, 2025, in Westport, Ireland. Our host will be Dark Sky Ireland. The invited speakers will be revealed soon, but we can already promise you interesting talks about science, governance, dark sky outreach, and lighting design.
The conference offers a platform for interdisciplinary networking and exchange on the topics Biology & Ecology, Governance & Regulations, Health, Measurements & Modelling, Social Sciences & Humanities, Technology & Design.
We welcome researchers, lighting professionals, policy makers, light pollution activists, and everybody who is interested in the effects of artificial light at night. The conference aims to present new findings, exchange experiences and ideas, network, and discuss hoe artificial light can be used with less negative impacts.
I'm on the organising committee for this event, so I'll keep you posted regarding the programme.
For more information check out our website at artificiallightatnight.org .
22. Research positions in exoplanets at TCD
We are writing to advertise 2 Research Fellow and 2 PhD positions in our Extrasolar Atmospheres and Exoplanetary Systems ERC groups for Autumn 2025 start - please share as widely as possible!
Full details on topics, conditions, eligibility, and more on our exciting Astro group at Trinity College Dublin below:
Research Fellow in Exoplanetary Systems: https://tinyurl.com/5n77ucnk
Research Fellow in Extrasolar Atmospheres: http://tinyurl.com/2ufcwvxf
PhD position in Extrasolar Atmospheres: http://tinyurl.com/5amcea6p
PhD position in Exoplanetary Systems: https://tinyurl.com/bdb3xyp3
Feel free to contact us or have potential candidates contact us at astrojobs@tcd.ie,
23. Exciting Opportunities for Research and Collaboration from the IAU Professional-Amateur Working Group
The IAU Professional-Amateur Working Group (Pro-Am WG) has launched the IAU Pro-Am Research Collaboration (PARC), an initiative that promotes and facilitates professional-amateur research collaborations in astronomy. PARC aims to enhance professional astronomy research capacity through collaboration with amateur astronomers.
24: Eclipse planning.
This may be of interest to those planning observing locations for the total solar eclipses in 2026 and 2027
Global risk map reveals the most dangerous countries and cities
25: New Difficult Teaser:
Which comet could be said to be linked to the Irish Astronomical Association?
No guesses yet, so here's a clue: It's nominal.
26: New Easy Teaser
What recurring thing in Star Trek is statistically very very unlikely? Apart from the fact that every civilisation in the galaxy speaks English!
CLUE: It usually occurs at or near the start of each programme.
Another Clue - it's numerical.
LATE CREDIT: I've just found a correct answer in my Spam folder for the previous easy teaser, from Ben Emmett. Well done Ben, belatedly!
Remember, only send answers to me at my aol address: terrymosel@aol.com.
27. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer – Use of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources). NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.
Mystery of radio pulsers solved https://www.facebook.com/share/15VRViyC26/
How big can 'ultramassive' black holes get? Scientists may have the answer
Hubble unlocks mysteries of distant quasar 3C 273
Mystery of how giant galaxies formed could be close to being solved
Spiderweb protocluster is filled with baby galaxies, James Webb Space Telescope reveals (image)
Astronomers discover 5 rare galaxies 'interacting with each other'
James Webb Space Telescope smashes its own record to find the earliest galaxies that ever existed
A New Approach to Detecting Primordial Black Holes
Mysterious fast radio bursts could be caused by asteroids slamming into dead stars
The New Largest Star in the Universe - WOH G64 ! 2024 Space Documentary | Watch I haven't watched this, so I can't comment. But it may be of interest after our last super lecture by Dr Charlotte Angus.
Hubble Telescope peeks at star with planet-forming disk that gets 3 times hotter than the sun
NASA spots mysterious 'UFOs' hidden in deep space A typical headline – they're not UFOs!
A new rare supernova could change everything we know about the universe
A Long Gravitational Wave and Blast of Gamma Rays | How the Universe Works | Science Channel | Watch
Mysterious, record-breaking energy burst connected to dead star and red dwarf
Einstein Predicted How Gravity Should Work at the Largest Scales. And He Was Right - Universe Today
A Nearby Supernova Could Finally Reveal Mark Matter - Universe Today
Axion Dark Matter May Make Spacetime Ring - Universe Today
The Hubble and FU Orionis: a New Look at an Old Mystery - Universe Today
NASA's Chandra X-ray spacecraft finds 'danger zones' around stars
Dead stars within supernova explosions could solve the dark matter mystery in 10 seconds
Mysterious high-energy electrons detected near Solar System
James Webb Space Telescope smashes its own record to find the earliest galaxies that ever existed
Could dark matter have been forged in a 'Dark Big Bang?'
World's 2nd fastest supercomputer runs largest-ever simulation of the universe
Axion Dark Matter May Make Spacetime Ring - Universe Today
Somewhere in the multiverse, dark energy is helping stars and life form
DARK SKY, Light Pollution etc.
Observatory destroyed by fire to 'rise from the ashes' at new site
The water on Earth might have been delivered from space by comets billions of years ago
New theory on origin of the Moon https://www.facebook.com/share/v/1KfH5Kw2aT/
NASA's first astronaut flight around the moon in decades faces more delays
Asteroids which smashed into Earth leave scientists baffled after extent of their impact revealed
Satellite surge threatens Earth's ozone and atmospheric health
China ramps up space race as scientists plot egg-shaped igloos on the moon
Scientists finally confirm what's inside the moon – and it's not what you think
NASA, SpaceX Illustrate Key Moments of Artemis Lunar Lander Mission - Universe Today
How Did Gold Get To Earth? | Colour: The Spectrum of Science | BBC Earth Science | Watch
'Cataclysmic' solar storm hit Earth around 2687 years ago, ancient tree rings reveal
UFO? Rare fireball spotted soaring over Irish town | Watch
China to build igloos on the Moon as they look to pull ahead in space race
NASA to hunt for alien life on 'ocean moons' with fleet of AI-powered robots
Region on Mars has 'perfect conditions for aliens but we need to go underground'
Testing the Robots that Might Explore Europa - Universe Today
Somewhere in the multiverse, dark energy is helping stars and life form
NASA unveils swarm of new robot fish that could hunt alien life in space
Telescope Leverages BitFlow Frame Grabber in Search for Life Supporting Atmospheres
New discovery in Kepler-51 expands exoplanetary frontiers
Astronomers Find a 3 Million Year Old Planet - Universe Today
The world's most spectacular astronomical observatories A bit out of date, as Arecibo collapsed a few years ago, and will not be rebuilt. And the first image of Kitt Peak is a bad composite: The domes are illuminated from the left, particularly the big Mayall dome, but the Moon orientation gives the Sun on the right! Ooops!
An Insanely High-Resolution Image of the Sun - Universe Today Insane? It seens very sane to me!
The Last Arecibo Message Celebrates the Observatory and One of its Greatest Accomplishments - Universe Today I hope it can be sent.
Scientists find secret comet in the asteroid belt — how many others are there?
NASA spots mysterious 'spiderwebs' on never explored region of Mars
Origin of rings in the Solar System https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.00853
Region on Mars has 'perfect conditions for aliens but we need to go underground'
What's inside Uranus & Neptune. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15ffsxuZpr/
Scientists discover new clue to alien life on Mars
NASA | Jupiter in 4k Ultra HD
Oceans 'may never have existed on Venus'
Jupiter's 300-Year Old Storm | Space's Deepest Secrets | Science Channel | Watch
Testing the Robots that Might Explore Europa - Universe Today
There was Hot Water on Mars 4.45 Billion Years Ago - Universe Today
Spacecraft Makers: How We Keep Europa Clipper Super Clean | Watch
NASA unveils swarm of new robot fish that could hunt alien life in space
Samples of 'alien' asteroid Ryugu are crawling with life — from Earth
China debuts $553 million spaceport with launch of new Long March-12 rocket (video)
NASA to hunt for alien life on 'ocean moons' with fleet of AI-powered robots
NASA's first astronaut flight around the moon in decades faces more delays
Billionaire who performed the first private spacewalk is Trump's pick to lead NASA. Founder and CEO of a card-processing company? Yep, just what we need to head NASA,,,,,,,
Rocket company pauses construction of spaceport in Highlands
Voyager 1's journey continues as NASA restores contact
China ramps up space race as scientists plot egg-shaped igloos on the moon
The Mystery Beneath The Surface of Europa | Solar System | BBC Earth Science | Watch
Testing the Robots that Might Explore Europa - Universe Today
NASA, SpaceX Illustrate Key Moments of Artemis Lunar Lander Mission - Universe Today
Spacecraft Makers: How We Keep Europa Clipper Super Clean | Watch
'First instinct is to swim': my trip on a zero-gravity flight with an Esa astronaut
Space science is 'directly relevant' to life on Earth, UK astronaut says
China to build igloos on the Moon as they look to pull ahead in space race
China's Tianzhou 7 spacecraft burns up in Earth's atmosphere to end cargo mission (video)
NASA's Europa Clipper probe deploys 1st science instruments en route to Jupiter
Landmark space mission set to create artificial solar eclipses using satellites
'Cataclysmic' solar storm hit Earth around 2687 years ago, ancient tree rings reveal
Abandoned Observatory with One of the UK's Largest Telescopes | Watch
The world's most powerful camera on a telescope | Watch
NASA funds tech development for life-hunting Habitable Worlds Observatory | Space
NASA's next-gen Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope gets its powerful eye (photos)
2 space telescope designs will battle it out to become NASA's next cosmic imager
NASA unveils swarm of new robot fish that could hunt alien life in space
Telescope Leverages BitFlow Frame Grabber in Search for Life Supporting Atmospheres
"The treasures hidden in the heavens are so rich that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment." - Johannes Kepler
28. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link gives options to join the IAA.
https://irishastro.org/join-the-iaa/ If you are a UK taxpayer, please select the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also http://www.irishastro.org/https://irishastro.org/
The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858
DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.
Clear skies,
Terry Moseley
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