Saturday 11 May 2024

50th Anniversary event, Aurora, New President, AOP News, Dark Sky Ireland, Comet, Ast Lectures, ISS, T CrB, Teasers

Hi all,

Please note: send all correspondence to me only at:  


1.   IAA 50th Anniversary Event, Armagh, 18 May

This major event will celebrate the 50 years since the formation of the IAA (formerly the Belfast and Armagh Centres of the IAS). We have FOUR major speakers in the afternoon session, exclusive access to the Star-theatre with great shows all morning, tours of the observatory and Astropark and another little-known astronomy site. Lunch and snacks will be provided free on-site. There will also be an optional special anniversary dinner in the Armagh City Hotel.




NB: Non-IAA members and guests are welcome  too: it will be a great day, not to be missed.



Professor Stefano Bagnulo, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium
"Auroral phenomena and metal scars at the surface of white dwarfs"

Abstract: When stars like our Sun reach the end of their lives, they shrink down to Earth-sized objects called white dwarfs. Remarkably, about one in four white dwarfs possesses an incredibly strong magnetic field — often much stronger than anything we can create on Earth. Many of these white dwarfs capture remnants of their planetary systems, such as comets, asteroids, or even small planets, which fall onto their surfaces. I will describe the recent discovery of a white dwarf where the debris of an asteroid similar to Vesta in size have been funneled by the star's magnetic field, and concentrated around the magnetic poles, creating a phenomenon reminiscent or Earth's auroras. I will explain what these observations tell us about exo-solar planets, and about the atmospheres of white dwarfs. I will also describe the telescopes that enabled this discovery, and provide insight, more in general, into the modern methods used for astronomical observations.

Biography: Stefano Bagnulo studied Physics at the University of Florence in Italy, and obtained his PhD at QUB, Belfast, in 1996. He has worked at the University of Vienna, and at the Paranal Observatory in Chile, where he was a member of the Science Operations Team of the ESO Very Large Telescope. He has joined Armagh Observatory in 2007.


Professor Alan Fitzsimmon, Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB "Exocomets"

 Abstract: Every year roughly 60 more comets are discovered orbiting our Sun. But for decades, astronomers have been discovering comet-like objects in other Solar systems. Slowly but surely astronomers have been uncovering their secrets. This talk will briefly review how astronomers discover and understand comets formed in other Solar systems, some light-years away and some a bit closer, and how much we understand about them at present.


Professor Peter Gallagher, Head of School of Cosmic Physics, DIAS: "The Solar Orbiter Mission"

(Further details to follow)


Professor Tom Ray, School of Cosmic Physics, DIAS: "Building the Extremely Large Telescope: Challenges and Hopes for the Future"

(Further details to follow)

After the Dinner in the Armagh City Hotel, there will be a presentation by members on the recent Total Solar Eclipse in North America, and some of the best recent aurora photos.



Full event, including lunch and morning and afternoon light refreshments, plus evening dinner, including wine: £65 adults, £30 children


Day events only as above, but excluding dinner: Adults £20, children £10.

PAYMENT: Must be received NO LATER than Wednesday 15 May!

By cheque, payable to Irish Astronomical Association, to IAA Secretary, Mary Kirwan-Mackey, 89 Old Gransha Rd, Bangor, Co Down, BT19 7HA. or

Paypal: Go to and click the donate button or

Bank Transfer:  To; Irish Astronomical Association, Sort code 950114, Account No 20095443, or  contact secretary at: for advice/details


2. Major Aurora:

Many of you will have seen the fantastic auroral display last night! There is a good chance that there will be more activity tonight. Check the IAA website for latest details:


3. New IAA President: We are delighted to announce that Paul Bates has been elected as the new IAA President for the coming year. And thanks to our outgoing President, Paul Evans, for many years of excellent service.


New Dome Show: Our Night Sky, 2pm Tues - Sun
Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered 'what is that star called?' or 'how many constellations are there?' Created and produced by Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, this interactive show will showcase the best of our night sky! It will showcase all our seasonal skies offer and let you ask all your stargazing questions. 

Our World From Space
One Saturday a Month
Embark on a captivating journey through the wonders of our home planet, as seen from space, at our family Our World from Space Club. 
Learn together with your child (perfect for KS2 children) in this fun and interesting club at the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium!
Each session will involve learning in our digital theatre, an indoor activity and an outdoor activity.


5. Dark Sky Ireland Newsletter

Welcome to our Spring 2024 Newsletter (


Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is currently around 10th magnitude in Virgo, moving slowly towards Leo, but may become as bright as first magnitude in the autumn. But as we all know, predicting comet magnitudes is notoriously difficult!


7. Paul Bates' Astronomy & Physics Lectures at BMC

Class enrolments are now open at the Belfast Met for the evening classes in GCSE Astronomy and GCSE Physics that I will be teaching, beginning in September 2024.

The Physics course contains a limited amount of astronomy content whereas the Astronomy course spends the entire academic year delving into the details of the subject.  

   Website URLs link to the course enrolment website.

GCSE Physics (Tuesday evening 6pm to 8:30pm, September 2024 to June 2025)

GCSE Astronomy (Thursday evening 6pm to 8:30pm, September 2024 to June 2025)


8, ISS. The ISS continues its series of morning passes which gradually transition into evening passes, until 25 May. See for details


9. Recurrent Nova T Corona Borealis.

You may have read in some social media in early March that T CrB was due to explode again in the next week or two: I stuck my neck out, and said that we couldn't predict the next outburst with that degree of accuracy. That period has now passed, so I was right.

There have now been several more reports, saying much the same thing. The position remains the same -  It could explode tomorrow – or not for another year or more! It's normally around magnitude 10, but at outburst it reaches mag 2.0 or 2.5.

The first outburst was discovered by Irish astronomer John Birmingham in Tuam, Co Galway, in May 1866. It erupted again in February 1946, indicating an approximate 80 year period. BUT you can't estimate a period from only 2 events! However, in the year before the 1946 outburst, it dimmed to magnitude 12.3, and this has happened again recently, suggesting a possible outburst is imminent. BUT, once again, you can't predict from a single event!

So it's certainly well worth keeping an eye on it - comparison charts can be found on the websites of the BAA Variable Star Section, or the AAVSO.

(BTW, don't confuse it with the other nearby famous variable star, R CrB, which does the opposite – it stays normally around 6th magnitude, but occasionally dims to as faint as magnitude 14 or 15!)

(And for comparison, the other not quite so well-known recurrent nova, RS Oph, was seen, or is thought to have, erupted 9 times since 1898 – with intervals of approximately 9, 26, 12, 13, 9, 18, 21 and 18 years; so its period is by no means constant.)

Anyway, do keep an eye out – T CrB lies just outside the East side of the circle of the 'Crown', but you really do need charts to observe it properly. It's rising in the NE as the twilight ends, about 25 degrees to the left of Arcturus.



What's next in this sequence:  81, 770, 4200,  …?



What's next in this sequence: Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter….?


 Remember, only send answers to me at my aol address:

12. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer – Use of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources).  NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.



James Webb telescope measures the starlight around the universe's biggest, oldest black holes for 1st time ever | Live Science

White dwarfs are 'heavy metal' zombie stars endlessly cannibalizing their dead planetary systems (

Nasa supercomputer reveals what it looks like to fall into a black hole in mind-bending video (

Rare: eruption of a mega magnetic star - what astronomers saw (

Does a cosmic 'glitch' in gravity challenge Albert Einstein's greatest theory? (

Deep Underground Detectors Push Limits of Dark Matter Particle Mass (

James Webb Space Telescope suggests supermassive black holes grew from heavy cosmic 'seeds' (

Star mystery solved
The galactic anomalies hinting dark matter is weirder than we thought | New Scientist 
How Neutron Stars are Created | How The Universe Works | Science Channel | Watch (

See the Milky Way's Sagittarius A* black hole in an amazing polarized Event Horizon Telescope image | Watch (

Milky Way's most massive stellar black hole discovered! | Watch (

Star shreds comets
Stunning image shows atoms transforming into quantum waves — just as Schrödinger predicted | Live Science
The Schrodinger Cat paradox solved?

Age is the Key to Understanding Chaotic Star Movement in Galaxies (

Red supergiant star Betelgeuse's boiling surface 'mimics' rotation in animation | Watch (

James Webb Solves One of the Biggest Mysteries in Cosmology: Dark Ages and Reionization | Watch (

Scientists reveal Southern Ring Nebula's unexpected structure: 'We were amazed' | Space

Dusty 'Cat's Paw Nebula' contains a type of molecule never seen in space — and it's one of the largest ever found | Live Science

New Evidence Points to Dark Matter's Dominance (

'Traffic jams' in the hearts of galaxies can force black holes to collide (

Pictured: Sharpest images yet of Orion's Horsehead Nebula (

What Do the FIRST IMAGES from the Euclid Space Telescope Reveal? | Watch (

Scientists discover 'surprise' at beginning of time which changes understanding of universe (

Milky Way's black hole may be spinning 'football-shaped' spacetime warp | Watch (

Black holes might be dark stars with layers: New solution found | Watch (

Scientists reveal astonishing image of black hole in our galaxy


The big idea: are we about to discover a new force of nature? ( 
What Is beyond the Edge of the Universe? | Watch ( 
Does a cosmic 'glitch' in gravity challenge Albert Einstein's greatest theory? ( 
How James Webb Showed That the Universe Could Be Twice as Old as Known! | Watch ( 
This sounds like good reading for cloudy nights! Why? The Purpose of the Universe by Philip Goff review – a real poser ( 
China's Chang'e 6 probe to the moon's far side has a big lunar mystery to solve ( 
Blobs in Earths core are ancient collision remnants
Moon 'may have influenced Stonehenge builders' | The Royal Astronomical Society ( 
Nasa increases funding for railway on the moon (
Why is China exploring the far side of the moon? ( 
Asteroid that exploded over Berlin was fastest-spinning space rock ever recorded ( 
Meteorites in Antarctica Are Getting Harder to Find because of Climate Change | Scientific American 
Elon Musk's New Starship Moonbase design update... | Watch (
Astronauts could run round 'Wall of Death' to keep fit on moon, say scientists (
NASA's Viper moon rover gets its 'neck' and 'head' installed for mission later this year (
Could alien life be hiding in the rings of Saturn or Jupiter? (
NASA scientists discover 'first rocky planet with an atmosphere' outside our solar system ( 
JWST announces clearest ever image of Proxima Centauri b 
A failed star and an ammonia trail could reveal how some giant exoplanets form (
NASA's TESS spacecraft resumes exoplanet hunt after recovering from glitch (
This diamond exoplanet lost its atmosphere — then it grew another (
Citizen scientists find remarkable exoplanet, name it after Harry Potter character (
Exoplanet high speed winds
 NASA's JWST gives 'weather forecast' for planet 280 million lightyears away ( 
NASA's TESS exoplanet hunter may have spotted its 1st rogue planet ( 
TWO Earth-like planets found in the HABITABLE ZONE (just 6% bigger than Earth!) | Watch ( 
James Webb Telescope Just Detected A Structure That Proves Planet Formation Theories Wrong | Watch ( 
Hubble observes extreme weather on massive alien world - 4K Visualization | Watch ( Astrophotographer captures the Running Chicken Nebula in impeccable detail ( ('Impeccable' – Eggsactly! 
Webb and Hubble telescopes deliver mind-boggling view of huge galaxy cluster | Watch (
NASA's James Webb captures 'sharpest' images yet of Horsehead Nebula (
How bad are satellite megaconstellations for astronomy? | Space


'God of Destruction' asteroid Apophis will come to Earth in 2029 — it could meet some tiny satellites | Space
Molecule responsible for robbing Venus of its water may finally have been identified (
Curious asteroid Selam, spotted by NASA's Lucy spacecraft, is a cosmic toddler ( 
Hellish Venus may have lost its water quickly | Science | AAAS
Mars may have been more Earth-like than we thought, discovery of oxygen-rich rocks reveals | Live Science
Mars ice avalanche
Asteroid that exploded over Berlin was fastest-spinning space rock ever recorded ( 
What Did the Planets Look Like 3.8 Billion Years Ago? | Watch ( 
Enormous 'San Andreas fault' on Saturn's moon could help reveal signs of alien life ( 
AI discovers over 27,000 overlooked asteroids in old telescope images | Space 
NASA Captures Evidence Of Stunning Scenes On Jupiter's Moon Io | Watch (
Sun's chaotic peak triggers record-breaking 'global auroras' on Mars ( 
Mercury is loaded with diamonds
This spacecraft is headed to NASA's asteroid-crash aftermath — but first, it'll stop by Mars | Space 
Pieces of distant asteroid show 'bombardment' that happens to objects in space ( 
Rare giant explosions on sun's surface could help NASA find out what we need to live on Mars (
Nasa engineers bring Voyager 1 back to life after interstellar glitch (  
Sierra Space's 1st Dream Chaser space plane aces key tests. Next stop: Florida launch site. | Space 
Do Spacecraft Really Have To Endure The Hazards of Reentry | Watch ( 
SpaceX reveals new EVA suit for 1st private spacewalk on upcoming Polaris Dawn spaceflight (video) | Space 
Axiom Space eyes the moon while continuing to dream big in Earth orbit ( 
Sierra Space 'Ghost' to 'return objects' to Earth | Watch ( 
NASA Abandoned A Spacecraft in Orbit for 5 Years. When It Came Home It Surprised Them! | Watch ( 
'We're in a new era': the 21st-century space race takes off ( 
How to watch Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut launch webcasts live online | Space 
Watch SpaceX Crew-8 astronauts move their Dragon at the ISS on May 2 | Space making way for Starliner.
NASA inspector general finds Orion heat shield issues 'pose significant risks' to Artemis 2 crew safety | Space and 
How to watch Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut launch webcasts live online | Space 
NASA Reveals Major New Moon Landing Update! | Watch ( 
Elon Musk's New Starship Moonbase design update... | Watch ( 
NASA on the hunt for four astronauts to live in Mars simulation | Watch ( 
'We are ready:' New NASA documentary looks ahead to Artemis 2 moon mission (video) | Space
China unveils video of its moon base plans, which weirdly includes a NASA space shuttle | Space 
Astronauts could run round 'Wall of Death' to keep fit on moon, say scientists ( 
Landing on Jupiter's moon Europa - NASA tests hardware | Watch ( 
This Week In Space podcast: Episode 108 — Starliner: Better Late Than Never? | Space 
Meet the crew launching on Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut flight | Space 

Chinese astronauts return to earth after six months in space (

Nasa engineers bring Voyager 1 back to life after interstellar glitch (

Meet the crew launching on Boeing's 1st Starliner astronaut flight (
Rare giant explosions on sun's surface could help NASA find out what we need to live on Mars (  



NASA's TESS spacecraft resumes exoplanet hunt after recovering from glitch (

NASA's ultralow-noise superconducting camera smashes pixel limit in search for Earth-like planets (

How the XRISM spacecraft can study the X-ray universe with only 36 pixels (

The highest observatory on Earth sits atop Chile's Andes Mountains — and it's finally open | Space

NASA Telescopes Reveal an Invisible Infrared Universe | Watch (
AI discovers over 27,000 overlooked asteroids in old telescope images | Space 
NSF halts South Pole megaproject to probe infant cosmos' growth spurt | Science | AAAS 
Quantum Challenge to Be Solved One Mile Underground ( 

The Planck Time- How Small is the Smallest Unit of Time (Compared with Blinking) | Watch (


"The treasures hidden in the heavens are so rich that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment." - Johannes Kepler


13. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link gives options to join the IAA. If you are a UK taxpayer, please select the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also  


The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858


DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.

Clear skies,

Terry Moseley

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