Thursday, 23 February 2023

IAA/NISF Event on Saturday, Sun Lecture, NISF continues, Venus & Jupiter, Dark sky events, ISS, Webinar, IAW, Skelligs SP, COSMOS, more

Hi all,

1.  Major IAA EVENT, Saturday 25 February, for N. I Science Festival, 16.00 – 21.00.

The IAA will be doing a major event, at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, N of Lurgan, on Saturday 25 February. There will be a water/compressed air rocket launching demo and competition in the afternoon, solar and night-time observing if the skies are clear, starshows in our mobile planetarium, a wide selection of meteorites on display, some of which you can actually handle, telescopes on display with advice on buying and using them, a workshop on simple astrophotography, meet the guy who will probably be N.I's first astronaut, Virtual Reality views of space and the Universe, bat and moth discovery walks, and more!

   Bring your own 2-litre fizzy drinks plastic bottle to make into an amazing rocket, and we'll have some of our own if you can't. NB – they must be for carbonated, ie fizzy drinks, to withstand the pressure of the compressed air!

   You can also make your own rocket in advance and bring it along: it must be a 'fizzy drinks' bottle as above. The following link gives an idea of what it should look like. Ignore any other websites or videos that mention a cork - we'll use a different system. All you need to do is fit 3 or 4 stabilising cardboard 'fins' at the NECK end of the bottle, and a streamlining nose cone over the BASE of the bottle – it will be launched upside down! It also helps if you fit a small weight (about 50 - 100gm) securely to the centre of the outside of the base of the bottle, before fitting the nose cone

Water Rockets ( Ignore the 'plume', and everything below that – we supply the launch equipment.

   All IAA members and friends are welcome, with telescopes if possible – we need as many volunteers as possible!


2. IAA Lecture, Wed 1 March, 7.30 p.m, LARMOR LECTURE THEATRE, Physics Building, QUB,  "Observing Solar Activity in Lyman-alpha Emission"

By Dr Ryan Milligan,  Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB.

Synopsis: The Lyman-alpha line of neutral hydrogen is the strongest emission line in the solar spectrum, and yet observations of solar activity at this fundamental wavelength have been scarce in recent decades. In this talk I will discuss why studying the Sun's Lyman-alpha emission is so important, particularly in the context of Space Weather. I will also give an overview some recent work that I have carried out on this topic as we await data from a range of new Lyman-alpha instruments during Solar Cycle 25.

Biography: Ryan graduated from QUB with a PhD in Solar Physics in 2006. He began his postdoctoral career at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center under a NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship working on the RHESSI mission performing multi-wavelength studies of solar flares. In 2011 he returned to QUB under a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship but retained his NASA connections, receiving several research grants under the Living With A Star program that allowed him to divide his time between Belfast and Washington DC. In 2016 he was awarded a prestigious STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship that he took to the University of Glasgow. In 2019 he returned to QUB to take up the position of lecturer in astrophysics and is currently leading his own research group on solar flares and space weather. He is also an avid solar eclipse chaser. 

ADMISSION FREE, including light refreshments – All welcome!


3. N. I Science Festival, 2023, Feb 16 – 26,

For details see Facebook: @niacifest   Twitter  @niscifest   Instagram @niscifest

Or email


4. Venus approaching Jupiter; closest on 1 March

As Venus moves out from the Sun in the W sky, and Jupiter closes in as it heads for conjunction.

  They will appear closest together on the evening of 1 March; just before setting they will be only 36' apart, or just a bit more than a lunar diameter. Of course, it's just a line of sight effect, with Jupiter at a distance of 864m km, and Venus a mere 205m km away.

   Next evening, the separation will have increased to about 48', or 1.5 lunar diameters.


5. Professor Gillian Wright CBE FRSE, Director at the UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh, is the first UK winner of the Caroline Herschel Medal, a joint award from the Royal Astronomical Society and the German Astronomical Society (Astronomische Gesellschaft, AG). Professor Wright wins the medal in recognition of her leadership of the development of the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), in operation since the summer of 2021.


6. February Dark Sky Events in Mayo DSP

Weekly Dark Sky Walks continue on Fridays at 8pm*
1st Friday of the month walks start from Ballycroy Visitor Centre, Wild Nephin National Park.  All other Fridays walks start from the Brogan Carroll Bothy at Letterkeen.  

* Take part in Star Count 2023 (17th - 24th February)
Dark Sky Ireland (our newly formed NGO for Protecting and Restoring Dark Skies over Ireland), has agreed to support and promote StarCount 2023 across Ireland.  This Citizen Science Project, organised by the CPRE (a UK Countryside Charity), will include star counts conducted in Ireland to help us form a baseline of data going forward.  We will be taking part on any walks during 17th - 24th February and encourage you to take a look at their info pack and join us in gathering data for Ireland's dark skies. 

* Mayo Dark Sky Champion Training Course - 28th February 
We have a really exciting programme organised for the 2023 Dark Sky Champion training course for our tourism and hospitality businesses in County Mayo.   Two guest speakers have kindly agreed to join us and we will host workshops in Westport and in Ballycroy (approx 2 hours per event, repeated in both locations).

* Duncan Wise of Northumberland Dark Sky Park  -  Duncan will present a talk on his work as Dark Skies Lead officer and the success of dark sky tourism in the Northumberland area.  This is estimated to be worth approximately £25m to the local economy annually.  Duncan has led many of the initiatives for developing dark sky tourism and will bring some of his insights and ideas to his talk as part of the training. 

* Dr Tony Johnston of TUS Midlands Midwest - Tony will present his work on a new European project specifically focused on Dark Sky Ecotourism with the aim of providing guides and education for tourism business and building a suite of tools and resources for areas seeking to promote sustainable dark sky tourism. 

*To register for this free course, please complete the application form in this link


7. IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach  - Women and Girls in Astronomy (11 Feb – 8 Mar)

  The Women and Girls in Astronomy project supports events that recognise the role of all women in advancing science and encourages everyone on and off the gender spectrum to consider careers in astronomy. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) strongly encourages activities throughout the year, with a particular focus between two International Days adopted by the United Nations: the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February and International Women's Day on 8 March. 
   With each new edition, the Women and Girls in Astronomy project strives to grow and improve. We want to clearly state that trans women are women. We invite everyone on and off the gender spectrum to engage with this programme, highlighting our shared and individual experiences that can help us grow toward a better, more inclusive future in STEM.
Join the 2023 Edition of Women and Girls in Astronomy
The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) invites all outreach practitioners, parents, youth and astronomers to contribute to the programme and support a number of virtual and in-person events that recognise the contributions of all women and girls in astronomy.
If you are an astronomy outreach practitioner
Host your own event to celebrate all women and girls in astronomy! You can host a 
Meet the IAU Astronomers! event, organise a gender-inclusive stargazing night, and much more! Register your event in the Astronomy Outreach Event Calendar, and we'll promote the events on our social media. 


8. Dark Sky Ireland, Star Count

From: Dark Sky Ireland :

 we are joining up with the UK's CPRE (a Countryside Charity) for "STAR COUNT 2023", a Citizen Science project to help gather baseline data on the status of dark skies across Ireland.    The STAR COUNT of 2022 gathered almost 3,000 participants in the UK which is an unprecedented number, providing a good indication of both interest in the night sky and a helpful amount of data for the research. 
STAR COUNT 2023 will take place between 17th - 24th February and we encourage everyone to join us in gathering data for Ireland's dark skies.
The CPRE information pack gives all the information on how to sign up and links to resources to help spread the word on social media. DSI_Star_Count_2023_pack.pdf (


9. ISS. The International Space Station started a new series of morning passes over Ireland on 19 February . Details on


10.Next Space and Astronomy Webinar Returns, Tuesday 28 February!

   We'll be back, with the amazing Nick Howes, for Space Roundup from SpaceStore Live, on 28 February at 7.30 p.m. All the latest news about what's happening in space and astronomy. Totally free – don't miss it.


11. Free talk in the Ulster Transport Museum, Tuesday 28 February 7pm 

Part of the Our Place in Space project, the 11.8km scale model of the solar system which has just launched in North Down. 

Comet Madness with Richard J. Goodrich
Author and historian Richard J. Goodrich will examine the 1910 appearance of Halley's Comet and the ensuing frenzy sparked by media manipulation, bogus science, and outright deception that followed.


12. Astronomy Photographer of the Year Competition has opened

Astronomy photographer of the year competition opens for submissions | Space


13. Global Sky Clubs for schools:

Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) is offering a new program exclusively for astronomy clubs in schools that want to perform research projects or investigations. LCO provides 10 hours of time on its 10 x 0.4m telescope network.
   For more information about the program, eligibility and how to apply, please see 
this website.


14. Irish Astronomy Week, 20 - 26 March – UPDATE (from Ronan Newman)

The goal behind Irish Astronomy Week and its theme "The Stars for Everyone" is to inspire, encourage and help provide opportunities for people of all ages to connect with the Universe, to promote an appreciation and understanding of the night sky, and to enjoy it in a non-intrusive and non-destructive manner.

   There has been an excellent response to this project, far exceeding expectations and I hope participants will make their events free of charge as happens with Science Week, Space Week and Heritage Week, but of course donations can be welcomed for their organisations.

   There is a wide variety of interested groups including the National Parks, Geoparks of the Cooper Coast, Joyce Country and Cuilcagh Lakelands, eco-tourism destinations, all three Planetariums, Observatories, Science Centres, Telescope shops, official IDA Dark Sky locations, Dark Sky Groups, and even remote communities like Clare Island and Inishbofin. As you can imagine several are looking for support and ideas, or just a need for people to give children's workshops, night sky tours or even ways to explore their own dark sky tourism potential.  I am asking fellow outreach co-ordinators of the Irish Astronomical community to please reach out and help in this endeavour.

  The go-fund me page has raised over a phenomenal €1700, the majority of this is going towards a new website which will be online next month. The remaining money will be spent on bookmarks and posters that are being designed for the 150+ libraries that will be sharing our passion with astronomy themed displays of books, e-books, and e-comics. Any remaining donations will be transferred to an IFAS account for the 2024 event. Other libraries will be hosting astronomy talks, if your local library wants to get involved or if you would like to give a talk there, please let me know so I can add to the website.

   None of this could happen without support from all the Irish Astronomy Clubs and Societies, Science Foundation Ireland, fellow amateur astronomers around around the country and the IFAS (Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies) Council who are fully behind and involved in running this project.

  Website coming next month.

  The dates: March 20th to 26th begins with a New Moon and as the days continue there will be three Lunar conjunctions of Jupiter, Venus and M45, its also a perfect time for an "Irish" Messier marathon, the possibilities are endless. Finally, I am delighted to see the return of the COSMOS Starparty in Tullamore and the Skellig Dark Sky Festival both taking place that weekend and I wish them success in their respective events.


15. Skellig Coast Dark Sky Festival, Co Kerry, 24 – 26 March



16.  COSMOS 2023: This has now been confirmed for Saturday 25 March. It will be great to have this annual midlands attraction back again. The new venue is a dark sky location: Midlands National Shooting Centre at Boora, County Offaly on Saturday 25th March, and there will be six speakers.

  The shooting centre is less than 15 minutes from Tullamore and has a rustic feel to it, a bit like Annaharvey back in the old days. It has all the necessary facilities, and lunch will be available on site, as well as tea & coffee.

  More details when available.


17. IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach  - Dark and Quiet Skies
In May 2023, we plan to build off of the success of last year's celebration of the dark and quiet sky. We will strengthen our connections with our collaborators, including the Center for Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Interference (CPS) and the International Day of Light (IDL). This year, we are planning some new events, like a worldwide trivia night (with prizes!) and a light pollution pledge. In the coming months, we will announce more details about how you can participate in the fight to end light pollution!


18. First Announcement: European Society for Astronomy in Culture Conference, 6-9 September
The 30th conference of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC) will take place from 6-9 September 2023, in Warsaw, Poland. The theme of this SEAC conference is: Between ancient and modern astronomy. Throughout this conference, the organisers hope to commemorate two significant anniversaries related to Nicolas Copernicus: the 550th anniversary of his birth and the 480th anniversary of his death. For more information about how to contribute to this conference, see this page.


19. New Easy Teaser.

In astronomy, what have J, K, Q, W, X, Y, Z got in common?

No correct answers yet, so here's a clue. It's something that they haven't got, which they have in common.

Another clue: there's a connection to the call often given in Bingo "Two fat ladies", although maybe that's banned now!



Apart from being the world's largest telescope on an equatorial mounting, what OTHER world record does the 5m Hale telescope on Mt Palomar still hold?

No guesses yet, so here's a clue. It's something very simple.

 Please send all Teaser answers to me at my aol address


21. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer – leading its nameUse of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources).  NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.



'Runaway' black hole the size of 20 million suns found speeding through space with a trail of newborn stars behind it | Live Science and and
Astronomers Spot a Rogue Supermassive Black Hole, Hurtling Through Space Leaving Star Formation in its Wake - Universe Today 

The early universe was crammed with stars 10,000 times the size of our sun, new study suggests | Live Science It's hard to see how this could happen when the universe was expanding so rapidly after the Big Bang. Imagine a scaled down analogy - a gas, or even a bomb, explosion – the gases of the fireball are expanding far too fast to clump together.

Six massive early galaxies 'challenge understanding of the universe' (

Cosmic 'tadpole' points to ultra-rare black hole hiding near the Milky Way's center | Live Science

Scientists have discovered a new galaxy that doesn't have any stars (

Black holes may be the source of mysterious dark energy | Space and Dark energy from supermassive black holes? Physicists spar over radical idea | Science | AAAS

Spherical symmetry in the kilonova AT2017gfo/GW170817 | Nature

Gargantuan jet of energy travels at seven times speed of light in cosmic optical illusion | Live Science

Dark energy may have been hiding in the cores of black holes all along | New Scientist

Astrophysicists discover the perfect explosion in space (
Astronomers Might See Dark Matter by Staring into the Void - Scientific American 
Astronomers Find First Ever Rogue Black Hole Adrift in the Milky Way - Scientific American 
Universe's largest known spiral galaxy shines in new image | Space
Scientists observe high-speed star formation ( 

Space telescope uncovers massive galaxies near cosmic dawn | AP News – I reckon  there's something missing from the standard BB model!

Black holes may be the source of mysterious dark energy | Space and

Astronomers Find Evidence That Black Holes May Be the Source of Dark Energy | Watch ( (there's a lot of controversy about this claim)

Detailed new map of all matter in the universe hints at something missing (



New Spacecraft Can See Into the Permanently Shadowed Craters on the Moon - Universe Today

Earth's Inner Core May Have an Inner Core - Scientific American

New space mission will watch for hazardous asteroids hidden by the Sun ( Why is that asteroid blazing away when it's still out in empty space? In fact, it looks as if it won't even hit the Earth!

Finding risky asteroids outshone by Sun (

Fragments of meteor that fell in Italy found on a balcony, photos (

Lunar Resources and Wood selected by NASA to study building a pipeline on the Moon (

Fragment of meteorite that exploded over the English Channel recovered in France (

Asteroid explodes over English Channel after hurtling towards Earth (

Upsurge in rocket launches could impact the ozone layer (

Discovery of hidden structure in Earth's core could 'rewrite the textbooks' (  



Does ice in the Universe contain the molecules making up the building blocks of life in planetary systems? (



Very Large Telescope captures direct images of bright exoplanet (

Earth-size exoplanet spotted just 72 light-years away | Space



Stunning Mars vista
NASA's Webb Space Telescope Reveals Never-Before-Seen Details of Pandora's Cluster (

Ingenuity helicopter's 1st flights shed light on Mars dust dynamics | Space

At Jupiter, JUICE and Clipper Will Work Together in Hunt for Life - Scientific American

Finding risky asteroids outshone by Sun (

Fragment of meteorite that exploded over the English Channel recovered in France (

NASA Spots One of the Most Elongated Asteroids Ever Observed on Radar (

New auroras detected on Jupiter's four largest moons | Space

Hope probe to move to a new Mars orbit and observe deimos (

NASA study seeks to understand impact effects on Mars rocks (

Green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) may be leaving the solar system | Space



NASA, Boeing target April for manned Starliner test flight ( 
Voyager 1 operating normally again.
SpaceX, NASA delay Crew-6 astronaut launch to Feb. 27 | Space
Crew stuck on ISS to return to Earth in September: Russia (
China silent on fate of Tianwen 1 Mars mission's Zhurong rover | Space
NASA plans super-fast rocket

Roscosmos is delaying the launch of the replacement Soyuz for crew return ( I wonder what they'll do with the damaged one? Why not put just one pilot on board to fly it down? - that shouldn't create too much heat. Or can it be returned automatically?

Upsurge in rocket launches could impact the ozone layer (

China's space station experiments pave way for new space technology (

NASA, partners clear Axiom's second private astronaut mission crew (

FCC greenlights Amazon's Project Kuiper to deploy 3,236 satellites in LEO (

Russia releases 1st images of damage to leaky Soyuz spacecraft | Space

China to send 2 crews, 1 cargo ship to Tiangong space station in 2023 | Space



Mysterious origin of 'heartbeat-like' radio bursts from Sun found (

Part of the sun is broken and scientists are baffled ( First of all, it's NOT broken. It's just a detached piece of plasma in a magnetic field. Secondly, the JWST absolutely did NOT make this observation. It is impossible for it to look even near to the Sun. Disgraceful journalism.

Never-before-seen light captured beaming out of the Sun (

Sun erupts with X-class solar flare and here's the video to see it | Space



Very Large Telescope captures direct images of bright exoplanet (


22. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link gives options to join the IAA. If you are a UK taxpayer, please select the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also  


The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858


DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.

Clear skies,

Terry Moseley


Saturday, 11 February 2023

Science of Superheroes, Comet ZTF, AOP events, NISF, IAA at LNDC, Dark sky events, WAGA, DSI Star count, ET, Sky Clubs, IAW, Skelligs DSF, COSMOS, more

Hi all,

1. IAA Lecture, Wed 15 February, 7.30 p.m, LARMOR LECTURE THEATRE, Physics Building, QUB,  "The Science of Superheroes in film and television" by Prof Francis Keenan, Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB.

   Prof Keenan gave us a fascinating, entertaining and informative lecture a few years ago, on the 'Science of Star Trek', and other SF films and series. This follow-up promises to be just as entertaining and informative. It will provide a good introduction to the various aspects of the N.I. Science Festival, starting the next day. You've always wondered whether Superman could vanquish Batman, or if Thor's Hammer could overcome the Incredible Hulk, or does WonderWoman outclass Supergirl?

   All good fantasy fun, but what's the science behind their super powers? Come along and find out!


Research Interests Hot stars, interstellar medium, solar physics, atomic physics, plasma physics.

Francis was: from 1995 - 1996: Royal Society Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Professor; from 1997 - 2004: Head of Astrophysics and Planetary Science Research Division, QUB; from 2003 - 2011: William Penney Research Professor, QUB; Head of School of Mathematics and Physics from 2014 to 2015, and was Director of the ARC from 2017 to 2020.

   His PhD was on the study of OB-type stars and the interstellar medium at high Galactic latitudes, and he still works in this area over 30 years later.

   Another research field is solar physics, including the assessment of UV, EUV and X-ray line ratio diagnostics. In collaboration with Prof Mihalis Mathioudakis, he works on high-cadence solar imaging: they built the state-of-the-art solar imager ROSA (Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere), which is a common-user instrument on the US National Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak. They were involved in a project with Andor technology PLC, plus other UK institutes, building cameras for the new 4-metre DKIST solar telescope in Hawaii.  

  He has also worked with Robert Ryans to produce presentations for schools and the general public, which use clips from films and tv shows to illustrate how accurate the science is in science-fiction movies and shows such as Star Trek and Star Wars. These have proved to be a lot more popular than any of their research talks.

  ADMISSION FREE – All welcome!

NB: Please bring along as many empty 2-litre fizzy drinks plastic bottles as you can get. We will need them to make into rockets for our event at LNDC on 25 February – see item 5 below. NB – they must be for carbonated, ie fizzy drinks, not still, to withstand the pressure of the compressed air


2. Comet still visible

Amazing photos of gorgeously green Comet C/2022 E3 (ZFT) |gallery | Space

A comet which has been just visible to the unaided eye, if you live somewhere without any light pollution and know where to look, is still visible, though fading, as it moives further away from both Earth and Sun. However, we now have some observing time in the evenings before the Moon rises, to give a chance to see it in a dark sky. It won't look anything like what these long exposure photographs show, even in a telescope. It is at least still visible in binoculars. This link is to a very good map.[0]=AZVu2SuNiJrRBh7d6iS2O3XDaBuGYS_HSSDIVAT_5dcG58YbTWJTNdw1CuSdqkisfFrzuv0ZbrUXGKyWR0TMW-OUFUdqvX3C3GUhWq4rIPQ0WOhdFe7VUNkQIIuRFzql8Uc&__tn__=EH-R


3. Armagh Planetarium open for Half Term, 14 – 19 February

See website for times of dome shows. –

16 February, 10.30 a.m. Special Careers event, 'Shoot For The Stars'. For anyone interested in a career in astrophysics or STEM subjects.

23 February, 6.30 p.m. From Mercury With Love. A musical tribute to Freddy Mercury of Queen, followed by Stargazing (if clear)

25 February, 4 p.m. Star tales from South African cultures


4. N. I Science Festival, 2023, Feb 16 – 26,

For details see Facebook: @niacifest   Twitter  @niscifest   Instagram @niscifest

Or email



5. Major IAA EVENT, Saturday 25 February, for N. I Science Festival,   16.00 – 21.00.

The IAA will be doing a major event, at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, N of Lurgan, on Saturday 25 February. There will be a water/compressed air rocket launching demo and competition in the afternoon, solar and night-time observing if the skies are clear, starshows in our mobile planetarium, a wide selection of meteorites on display, some of which you can actually handle, telescopes on display with advice on buying and using them, a workshop on simple astrophotography, meet the guy who will probably be N.I's first astronaut, Virtual Reality views of space and the Universe, bat and moth discovery walks, and more!

   Bring your own 2-litre fizzy drinks plastic bottle to make into an amazing rocket, and we'll have some of our own if you can't. NB – they must be for carbonated, ie fizzy drinks, not still, to withstand the pressure of the compressed air!

More details later. Keep the date free!


6. February Dark Sky Events in Mayo DSP

Weekly Dark Sky Walks continue on Fridays at 8pm*
1st Friday of the month walks start from Ballycroy Visitor Centre, Wild Nephin National Park.  All other Fridays walks start from the Brogan Carroll Bothy at Letterkeen.  

* Take part in Star Count 2023 (17th - 24th February)
Dark Sky Ireland (our newly formed NGO for Protecting and Restoring Dark Skies over Ireland), has agreed to support and promote StarCount 2023 across Ireland.  This Citizen Science Project, organised by the CPRE (a UK Countryside Charity), will include star counts conducted in Ireland to help us form a baseline of data going forward.  We will be taking part on any walks during 17th - 24th February and encourage you to take a look at their info pack and join us in gathering data for Ireland's dark skies. 

* Mayo Dark Sky Champion Training Course - 28th February 
We have a really exciting programme organised for the 2023 Dark Sky Champion training course for our tourism and hospitality businesses in County Mayo.   Two guest speakers have kindly agreed to join us and we will host workshops in Westport and in Ballycroy (approx 2 hours per event, repeated in both locations).

* Duncan Wise of Northumberland Dark Sky Park  -  Duncan will present a talk on his work as Dark Skies Lead officer and the success of dark sky tourism in the Northumberland area.  This is estimated to be worth approximately £25m to the local economy annually.  Duncan has led many of the initiatives for developing dark sky tourism and will bring some of his insights and ideas to his talk as part of the training. 

* Dr Tony Johnston of TUS Midlands Midwest - Tony will present his work on a new European project specifically focused on Dark Sky Ecotourism with the aim of providing guides and education for tourism business and building a suite of tools and resources for areas seeking to promote sustainable dark sky tourism. 

*To register for this free course, please complete the application form in this link


7. IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach  - Women and Girls in Astronomy (11 Feb – 8 Mar)

  The Women and Girls in Astronomy project supports events that recognise the role of all women in advancing science and encourages everyone on and off the gender spectrum to consider careers in astronomy. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) strongly encourages activities throughout the year, with a particular focus between two International Days adopted by the United Nations: the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February and International Women's Day on 8 March. 
   With each new edition, the Women and Girls in Astronomy project strives to grow and improve. We want to clearly state that trans women are women. We invite everyone on and off the gender spectrum to engage with this programme, highlighting our shared and individual experiences that can help us grow toward a better, more inclusive future in STEM.
Join the 2023 Edition of Women and Girls in Astronomy
The IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO) invites all outreach practitioners, parents, youth and astronomers to contribute to the programme and support a number of virtual and in-person events that recognise the contributions of all women and girls in astronomy.
If you are an astronomy outreach practitioner
Host your own event to celebrate all women and girls in astronomy! You can host a 
Meet the IAU Astronomers! event, organise a gender-inclusive stargazing night, and much more! Register your event in the Astronomy Outreach Event Calendar, and we'll promote the events on our social media. 


8. Dark Sky Ireland, Star Count

From: Dark Sky Ireland :

 we are joining up with the UK's CPRE (a Countryside Charity) for "STAR COUNT 2023", a Citizen Science project to help gather baseline data on the status of dark skies across Ireland.    The STAR COUNT of 2022 gathered almost 3,000 participants in the UK which is an unprecedented number, providing a good indication of both interest in the night sky and a helpful amount of data for the research. 
STAR COUNT 2023 will take place between 17th - 24th February and we encourage everyone to join us in gathering data for Ireland's dark skies.
The CPRE information pack gives all the information on how to sign up and links to resources to help spread the word on social media. DSI_Star_Count_2023_pack.pdf (


9. ISS. The International Space Station will start a new series of morning passes over Ireland on 19 February . Details on


10.Next Space and Astronomy Webinar Returns, Tuesday 28 February!

Due to circumstance beyond our control, there was no webinar on 31 January.  But I'll be back, with the amazing Nick Howes, for Space Roundup from SpaceStore Live, on 28 February at 7.30 p.m. All the latest news about what's happening in space and astronomy. Totally free – don't miss it.  


11. ET - A Solar System Adventure Game
The Science Communication Group at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Portugal has just launched a board game about the Solar System named "ET - A Solar System Adventure". Though currently only available in a "print and play" format, this game can be freely downloaded in both Portuguese and English. The production of this game was funded by the Europlanet Public Engagement Funding Scheme.

12. Astronomy Photographer of the Year Competition opens

Astronomy photographer of the year competition opens for submissions | Space


13. Global Sky Clubs for schools:

Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) is offering a new program exclusively for astronomy clubs in schools that want to perform research projects or investigations. LCO provides 10 hours of time on its 10 x 0.4m telescope network.
   For more information about the program, eligibility and how to apply, please see 
this website.


14. Irish Astronomy Week, 20 - 26 March – UPDATE (from Ronan Newman)

The goal behind Irish Astronomy Week and its theme "The Stars for Everyone" is to inspire, encourage and help provide opportunities for people of all ages to connect with the Universe, to promote an appreciation and understanding of the night sky, and to enjoy it in a non-intrusive and non-destructive manner.

   There has been an excellent response to this project, far exceeding expectations and I hope participants will make their events free of charge as happens with Science Week, Space Week and Heritage Week, but of course donations can be welcomed for their organisations.

   There is a wide variety of interested groups including the National Parks, Geoparks of the Cooper Coast, Joyce Country and Cuilcagh Lakelands, eco-tourism destinations, all three Planetariums, Observatories, Science Centres, Telescope shops, official IDA Dark Sky locations, Dark Sky Groups, and even remote communities like Clare Island and Inishbofin. As you can imagine several are looking for support and ideas, or just a need for people to give children's workshops, night sky tours or even ways to explore their own dark sky tourism potential.  I am asking fellow outreach co-ordinators of the Irish Astronomical community to please reach out and help in this endeavour.

  The go-fund me page has raised over a phenomenal €1700, the majority of this is going towards a new website which will be online next month. The remaining money will be spent on bookmarks and posters that are being designed for the 150+ libraries that will be sharing our passion with astronomy themed displays of books, e-books, and e-comics. Any remaining donations will be transferred to an IFAS account for the 2024 event. Other libraries will be hosting astronomy talks, if your local library wants to get involved or if you would like to give a talk there, please let me know so I can add to the website.

   None of this could happen without support from all the Irish Astronomy Clubs and Societies, Science Foundation Ireland, fellow amateur astronomers around around the country and the IFAS (Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies) Council who are fully behind and involved in running this project.

  Website coming next month.

  The dates: March 20th to 26th begins with a New Moon and as the days continue there will be three Lunar conjunctions of Jupiter, Venus and M45, its also a perfect time for an "Irish" Messier marathon, the possibilities are endless. Finally, I am delighted to see the return of the COSMOS Starparty in Tullamore and the Skellig Dark Sky Festival both taking place that weekend and I wish them success in their respective events. Happy New Year🙂


15. Skellig Coast Dark Sky Festival, Co Kerry, 24 – 26 March



16.  COSMOS 2023: This has now been confirmed for Saturday 25 March. It will be great to have this annual midlands attraction back again. The new venue is a dark sky location: Midlands National Shooting Centre at Boora, County Offaly on Saturday 25th March, and there will be six speakers.

  The shooting centre is less than 15 minutes from Tullamore and has a rustic feel to it, a bit like Annaharvey back in the old days. It has all the necessary facilities, and lunch will be available on site, as well as tea & coffee.

  More details when available.


17. IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach  - Dark and Quiet Skies
In May 2023, we plan to build off of the success of last year's celebration of the dark and quiet sky. We will strengthen our connections with our collaborators, including the Center for Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Interference (CPS) and the International Day of Light (IDL). This year, we are planning some new events, like a worldwide trivia night (with prizes!) and a light pollution pledge. In the coming months, we will announce more details about how you can participate in the fight to end light pollution!


18. First Announcement: European Society for Astronomy in Culture Conference, 6-9 September
The 30th conference of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC) will take place from 6-9 September 2023, in Warsaw, Poland. The theme of this SEAC conference is: Between ancient and modern astronomy. Throughout this conference, the organisers hope to commemorate two significant anniversaries related to Nicolas Copernicus: the 550th anniversary of his birth and the 480th anniversary of his death. For more information about how to contribute to this conference, see this page.


19. New Easy Teaser.

In astronomy, what have J, K, Q, W, X, Y, Z got in common?

No correct answers yet, so here's a clue. It's something that they haven't got, which they have in common.


20. DIFFICULT TEASER ANSWERED. (BTW, according to my records, this is the 50th Teaser – I should have made it harder!)

The constellation Serpens, the Snake, is divided into two parts – the head: Serpens Caput, and the tail: Serpens Cauda.

Q. Where else in the sky would you find another snake, and also a part of a snake?

CLUE: Several attempts so far, but none correct, so here's a clue. It's a Solar System body.

And just to clarify, BOTH are to be found on the same body, although in different locations.

   Our good friend Peter Millar has done it again.

The answer is: On the Moon – the snake is the Mare Anguis, the Serpent Sea (NE of Mara Crisium); and the part of a snake is the 'Cobrahead', the head of the Schroter Valley (Vallis Schroteris), where the valley emerges from the crater Herodotus.

Well done Peter!



Apart from being the world's largest telescope on an equatorial mounting, what OTHER world record does the 5m Hale telescope on Mt Palomar still hold?

 Please send all Teaser answers to me at my aol address


22. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer – leading its nameUse of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources).  NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.



What really happened to Betelgeuse!

Andromeda galaxy crash triggered a mass galactic migration | Space

Scientists reveal 'invisible' galaxy from the early universe, using space-time trick predicted by Einstein (

NASA scientists 'weigh' a white dwarf for the first time using a space-time trick predicted by Einstein | Live Science

China's gigantic telescope identifies over 740 pulsars (

Blue stragglers are the weird grandparents of the galaxy | Space

Scientists Hunt Down Mysterious 'Invisible Galaxy' From Early Universe (

Distant Galaxy Dubbed the 'Sparkler' Mirrors Early Milky Way (

Study reveals complex chemistry inside 'stellar nurseries' (

James Webb Space Telescope reveals stellar 'clumps' from the most distant universe (

Nasa's Webb telescope helps identify energy source behind strange colliding galaxies (

Rare pair of neutron stars destined for explosion may reveal how heavy elements form in Universe, study says (

Astronomers poised to hunt new kind of gravitational wave ( 
Amazing image of galaxy clusters colliding Chaotic 'knot' of merging galaxy clusters captured in multiple wavelengths | Space 
For the First Time Hubble Directly Measures Mass of a Lone White Dwarf (
'Failed star' brown dwarf imaged in nearby star cluster (photos) (
Nearby star husk slowed down due to gigantic volcanic eruption, astronomers say | Live Science 
100 Billion  Solar-mass Black Hole discovered. That's 1/10 of the combined mass of all the stars in the Milky Way. Almost unbelievable.
For the First Time Hubble Directly Measures Mass of a Lone White Dwarf (
Amazing survey discovers 3 million galaxies
'1-in-10-billion' star system is doomed to explode in a fiery kilonova | Live Science and
Molecular Clouds Have Long Lives By Constantly Reassembling Themselves - Universe Today 


Physicists want to use gravitational waves to 'see' the beginning of time (

Detailed new map of all matter in the universe hints at something missing (

Scientists release newly accurate map of all the matter in the universe (

The bubbling universe: A previously unknown phase transition in the early universe (

Only filmed interview with Georges Lemaître, 'father of the Big Bang,' rediscovered after 60 years | Live Science

Filaments of Dark Matter?



NASA's CAPSTONE moon probe bounces back from communications glitch | Space

Will lunar rover Jade Rabbit have company for the next Lantern Festival? ( I don't believe it! Science journalists, in an online bulletin referring specifically to the Moon, referring to the 'dark side' of the Moon!?! (4th para, last sentence) There is NO dark side! It's the 'far side'. Go back to school.

Building a catalog of lunar trash to track (

Crazy: Bold Plan to Dim the Sun by Blasting Moon Dust Into Space Could Help Cool Earth (  We're setting the house on fire, but don't worry, we can throw buckets of water on it….

Intuitive Machines now targeting moon's south pole for delayed lunar landing mission (

Hidden molten rock layer shatters knowledge of tectonic plates - study (

Experts fear this might the end of the night sky as we know it (

This is a good choice! Private Peregrine moon lander will now target 'geologic enigma' | Space

Artemis 1 moon rocket looks ready to launch astronauts, NASA says | Space

Largest asteroid ever to hit Earth was twice as big as the rock that killed off the dinosaurs | Live Science Surely the largest one ever to hit Earth was the one that created the Moon!

Amazing Simulation Shows Mega Tsunami That Helped Kill The Dinosaurs | Watch (



The first life in our solar system may have been on Mars (



The coolest exoplanets ever discovered ( So Kelt-9b, with a temperature of 4300 deg C, is 'cool'????

New planet discovered that might have alien life | Watch (

Scientists Want to Look for Signs of Life on This Extremely Rare Planet (

Earth doppelganger discovered and may be habitable ( The Moon does NOT have one permanently dark side!

Two nearby exoplanets might be habitable (

Tricky alien worlds easier to find when humans and machines team up | Space

Astronomers discover potential habitable exoplanet only 31 light-years from Earth | Space

Exoplanets dance around distant star in 12-year timelapse | Space



Hubble Space Telescope reveals a stunning star cluster (photo) (
These incredible images of Mars will make you wish you could visit (
Amazing astrophotography: How some of the most iconic space images were captured ( 
Amazing image of galaxy clusters colliding Chaotic 'knot' of merging galaxy clusters captured in multiple wavelengths | Space 
The view from Earth to the edge of the universe
Hubble Space Telescope captures chaotic globular cluster near Milky Way's core (
The James Webb Space Telescope: Spectacular new images from space (
James Webb Space Telescope image shows stunning spiral galaxy | Space
Feel tiny in this gigantic, zoomable galaxy map charting 3 billion stars (  
Light Pollution Is Dimming Our View of the Sky, and It's Getting Worse - Scientific American
Satellite Constellations Are an Existential Threat for Astronomy - Scientific American
AI-aided alien search detects 8 "very suspicious" radio signals (
The Search for Extraterrestrial Life as We Don't Know It - Scientific American 
8 possible alien 'technosignatures' detected around distant stars in new AI study | Live Science
Does Failing to Detect Aliens Mean We'll Never Be Contacted? - Universe Today
Curiosity Rover finds new clues to Mars' watery past

Don't panic: Ingenuity helicopter reaches 42 flights on Mars (

NASA's Curiosity finds surprise clues to Mars' watery past (

NASA Spots 'Fascinating Magic Trick of Nature' in Saturn's Rings (

NASA finds evidence of lakes in unexpected region of Mars (

New planet ring system discovered in our Solar System (

Massive comet hurtling past the sun is chasing its tail (

NASA's Webb Telescope Discovers New Asteroid 'Completely Unexpectedly' (

The first life in our solar system may have been on Mars (

The faults and valleys of a Martian volcanic highland plateau (

New Mars photo reveals scars from Red Planet's ancient past | Space

Jupiter officially has the most moons in the solar system, discovery of 12 new satellites confirms | Live Science (BTW, why do they have to say that Ganymede is bigger than Mercury "according to NASA"? – It just is – it's not NASA's opinion!); and

Jupiter now has the most moons in the solar system, beating Saturn thanks to 12 newfound satellites | Space Note the outer ones going in retrograde orbits! But at some stage they're going to have to define the lower size limit for a moon, as otherwise Saturn will have millions - the bodies forming the rings.

Saturn's moon Mimas may be a 'stealth' ocean world | Space

Rare green comet a once-in-50,000 years feast for astrophotographers | Space

Curiosity rover finds metallic meteorite on Mars | Space

17-pound meteorite found in Antarctica, likely hidden for millennia, is perfectly intact | Live Science

Long-delayed ExoMars mission still dreams of 2028 launch (  

A Martian Meteorite Contains Organic Compounds. The Raw Ingredients for Life? - Universe Today



China's Shenzhou 15 astronauts take their 1st spacewalk | Space 
SpaceX's huge Starship booster conducts epic 31-engine burn | Space 
See how Earth's space environment has got increasingly crowded since 1960! 
NASA astronauts could hibernate in deep space thanks to squirrels | Space 
Scientists intend to put 'traffic light' system in space for satellites (
SpaceX test fires Starship Super Heavy Booster's 31 Engines (
Mysterious Russian satellite breaks up in Earth orbit | Space
Relativity Space stacks 3D-printed rocket on launch pad | Space

Don't panic: Ingenuity helicopter reaches 42 flights on Mars (

SpaceX Crew-6 astronauts gearing up for Feb. 26 launch to ISS | Space

Vulcan: Rocket stacked for inaugural launch (

How fallen space junk could aid the fight against orbital debris | Space

Musk's Starship preparing to send humans to Mars set for first orbital voyage next month (

Virgin Orbit's failed debut UK rocket launch traced to '$100 part:' report (

Mysterious Russian satellite breaks up in orbit, generating cloud of debris (

NASA reaches 'full utilization' of the International Space Station: report (

Intuitive Machines now targeting moon's south pole for delayed lunar landing mission (

A Novel Propulsion System Would Hurl Hypervelocity Pellets at a Spacecraft to Speed it up - Universe Today

NASA announces finalists in challenge to design future astronaut food (

Researchers complete first real-world study of Martian helicopter dust dynamics (

Setting sail for safer space (

Artemis 1 moon rocket looks ready to launch astronauts, NASA says | Space

Rolls-Royce shows off new reactor to power Mars missions as UK poised to lead space race ( None of this indicates that the UK is poised to lead the space race! A pathetically jingoistic headline.

NASA Tests First Full-Scale Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine | Watch (



Strange unprecedented vortex appears around the sun's pole | Space

Part of the sun is broken and scientists are baffled (

Sunspot activity hits a 9-year high. Solar Cycle Progression | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center



Physicists want to use gravitational waves to 'see' the beginning of time (
New 'Dragonfly' telescope
A fleet of gamma-ray burst detecting cubesats could help crack mystery of neutron star mergers ( 
For the First Time Hubble Directly Measures Mass of a Lone White Dwarf (
Astronomers Prepare to Launch LuSEE Night, A Test Observatory on the Far Side of the Moon - Universe Today 
Future Space Telescopes Could be 100 Meters Across, Constructed in Space, and Then Bent Into a Precise Shape - Universe Today 


22. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link gives options to join the IAA. If you are a UK taxpayer, please select the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also  


The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858


DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.

Clear skies,

Terry Moseley