Hi all,
(NB, all times are summer time when in force, for convenience)
1. IAA lecture via Zoom, 2 December, 19.30, "Adventures in the Outer Solar System" by Dr Caitriona Jackman (DIAS)
In this talk we will Zoom (pun intended) to the outer solar system to explore the gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. I will furnish the audience with plenty of fun facts about the amazing worlds of dynamic auroral displays, diverse moons, and mysterious atmospheres. I will focus on some of the famous spacecraft including Cassini which spent 13 years exploring the Saturn system, and NASA's Juno which is currently in orbit around Jupiter.
Dr. Caitriona Jackman is an Honorary Professor at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies where she leads a research group on Planetary Magnetospheres. She has worked with data from missions including NASA's Cassini at Saturn, ESA's Cluster mission in orbit around Earth, NASA's Juno at Jupiter, and with data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Her research interests include understanding how the aurora works, and how machine learning and complexity science can be used to study huge volumes of data from space.
(Caitriona did her first degree at University of Limerick, so it's good to have her back in Ireland again! T.M.)
2. PARTIAL PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: Nov 30. This is the 5th eclipse out of 6 in 2020: there have been 3 other PPLE's, and 1 Annular Solar Eclipse so far, and there will be a Total Solar Eclipse on December 14, none of which is visible in Ireland.
Most of Ireland will barely see this eclipse, in which 83% of the Moon enters the southern part of Earth's faint outer shadow, the penumbra. The N part of the Moon will be the part that's slightly darker. The eclipse begins at 07.32 UT, and greatest eclipse occurs at 09.44 UT, after Moonset throughout Ireland. The far West and SW will see more of the eclipse before it sets, than those in the NE. We have to wait until 2022 May 16 before we can see a Total Lunar Eclipse from Ireland, although it will be setting just after maximum eclipse
3. The last lecture "Thirty Years of Hubble; Opening the treasure chest.", by Dr Jorick Vink, AOP, is now on Youtube
4. Big New Sunspot A big sunspot, several times wider than the Earth, is now on the Sun's disc. The arrival of this sunspot, numbered AR2786, along with others already on the disc, hints at definite increase in solar activity.
5. Tim Peake's show at the Waterfront on 1st Dec 2021. Thanks to Paul Evans for this alert. Tickets can be booked at https://www.waterfront.co.uk/what-s-on/tim-peake/
6. An Easy Teaser. The astronomy teasers so far have been fairly challenging, so here's an easier one. What letter comes next in this sequence: A, T, G, C, ?
7. ISS The ISS commenced a new series of evening passes on 22 November. Full details for your location, and lots of other astronomy information, on the excellent free site www.heavens-above.com
8. Paul Evans has produced another excellent 'Lockdown Video guide to the sky for November: https://youtu.be/kyvqsUoiZ1Q
9. John Flannery's excellent astro calendar for 2021 is now available on line.
The download link is https://bit.ly/3mmSUU
Also his November Skynotes in the Irish Times is available online at ….
10. Carl Sagan Great Lives Podcast.
Thanks to Paul Campbell for this alert https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00scvqk is the Carl Sagan Great Lives episode podcast link.
Presented by me and the amazing Nick Howes, they are approximately 40 minutes long, every second Tuesday, at 7.30 p.m., covering whatever is topical in space and astronomy. The next one will be on Tuesday 8 December: youtube.com/spacestorelive
It's a Zoom webinar, and will be Live streamed to YouTube SpaceStore Live! Channel and Live streamed to Facebook Live. I'll post any last minute news via Twitter.
12. Space Lights Outdoor Trail Experience, Armagh Observatory & Planetarium, Now postponed to December.
This is a sound and light walking trail, which can be combined with a dome show ticket. Time slots available from 5 p.m. each day. Booking essential. See their website for details.
2020 Catch a Star Writing Contest in Europe
Students from European countries who live anywhere in the world are invited to submit to the 2020 Catch a Star astronomical writing contest. Groups of up to three students with a non-student group leader can submit essays by 23 December 2020 to be considered.
Learn more here: https://www.eaae-astronomy.org/catch-a-star/welcome-to-catch-a-star-2020/
14. STFC Summer School at AOP postponed to January 2021 This year AOP was going to organize the STFC summer school for starting PhD student in astronomy. This event will now take place online and has been postponed to early January 2021 to attract also student's contributions on their proposed research topics, through short talks and poster. We have put together an exciting program of lectures, complementary skills workshops and meet the speaker breakout sessions and we would be glad to also invite students from everywhere in Ireland. Please feel free to forward the appended message to your postgraduate program coordinator as well as to your own students.
STFC 2020 INTRODUCTORY ASTRONOMY SCHOOL – 2nd Announcement. We should be grateful if you would circulate the details for the STFC Introductory Astronomy school to STFC funded students that could benefit from the school. The dates of the remote school are 11- 15 January 2021 and registration needs to be completed by 12 December 2020. PhD students are encouraged to present a short talk or poster outlining their proposed research topic – prizes will be awarded.
On behalf of the school organizing committee, Marc Sarzi & Simon Jeffrey. http://astro-online.iopconfs.org/home
15. JUPITER and SATURN closing, heading for the conjunction of a lifetime on Dec 21.
The two largest planets in the solar system are currently quite close together, low in the south around midnight. They are now just about 2.5º apart, and they will slowly but inexorably get ever closer until 21 December, when they will be just over 6 arcminutes apart – 1/5 of the diameter of the Moon!
You'll need a good clear SW horizon to see them clearly, so you could scout out some good observing sites for that in the meantime.
Note that they will have moved between now and 21 December. On 28 November, Saturn will be at RA 20h 2m; Dec -20º 52', On 21 December it will be at RA 20h 11m, Dec -20º 25'.
From Belfast. On 28 Nov at 17h 30m, it will be at Altitude 11º 44', Azimuth 203º 05', and on 21 Dec at the same time it will be at Altitude 06º 0', Azimuth 221º 21'. Obviously the altitude and azimuth figures will vary according to your location in Ireland/UK, but the relative change in position between now and Dec 21 will be approximately the same, so allow for that.
They'll look great to the naked eye, better in binocs, but to really appreciate the spectacle, complete with up to 8 of their Moons, you'll need a telescope, so look for a site where you can set one up.
Depending on CV-19 it may be possible to set up a safe observing session somewhere. More on that later.
16. Carl Sagan's Xmas lectures from the Seventies are available at https://www.rigb.org/christmas-lectures/watch/1977/the-planets Thanks to Stephen Murray for that info.
17. Davagh Dark Sky Park and Observatory closed until further notice
See https://www.midulstercouncil.org/visitor/things-to-do/star-gazing/davagh-dark-sky-observatory , and https://www.facebook.com/omdarksky/ I'll post any updates here. Or phone 03000 132 132 for changing Covid-19 advice.
18. IAA Membership subs overdue. Annual subscriptions are now overdue. It's easy to pay online – see www.irishastro.org
19. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer - Use of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources). NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.
Mystery of the Blue Ring Nebula solved https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201118141643.htm
To explain away Dark Matter, gravity would have to be really weird To explain away dark matter, gravity would have to be really weird, cosmologists say | Science | AAAS (sciencemag.org)
Newborn jets in distant galaxies Newborn jets in distant galaxies: Jets 'turned on' in past two decades or so -- ScienceDaily
The LMC is deforming the Milky Way Milky Way is being slowly 'pulled apart' by the gravity of a neighbouring galaxy | Daily Mail Online and
Galaxy encounter violently disturbed Milky Way -- ScienceDaily
The fastest known pulsar spins at over 700 times PER SECOND https://www.facebook.com/108218329601/posts/10159226955734602/?sfnsn=scwspmo
We're closer to the SMBH at the centre of the MW than we thought! https://www.cnet.com/google-amp/news/earth-just-got-2000-light-years-closer-to-milky-ways-supermassive-black-hole/
Neutrinos confirm important fusion reaction in stars Neutrinos yield first experimental evidence of catalyzed fusion dominant in many stars: The CNO energy-production mechanism in the universe is detected -- ScienceDaily
Precise map of millions of quasars shows our exact place in the universe Precise maps of millions of bright quasars show our place in the cosmos as never before | Science | AAAS (sciencemag.org)
Ancient Nova was much brighter and further away than was thought, providing a major mystery Blast from the past: Gemini North observations enable breakthrough in centuries-old effort to unravel astronomical mystery -- ScienceDaily
https://www.npr.org/2020/11/18/936219170/scientists-discover-outer-space-isnt-pitch-black-after-all?t=1605822138033 It's obviously the radiation from Dark Energy!
An explanation for Dark Energy? An 'impossible' discovery of 'twisted light' could rewrite laws of physics (msn.com)
Adam Smith / Independent: get your facts right! Rainbows are caused by internal reflection and refraction of light in raindrops, NOT by polarization!
The universe is expanding too fast, and that could rewrite cosmology | New Scientist
Just how big is the universe
Is the universe filled with a mystery substance called Quintessence ? https://www.facebook.com/100054442624567/posts/164239532067467/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Earth's climate could go on warming for 500 years https://climatenewsnetwork.net/global-heating-may-go-on-for-five-more-centuries/ There are three measures which can be implemented without risk, and with present technology. 1. A huge tree-planting program; 2. A major reduction in beef and dairy consumption; 3. A major reduction in human population through birth control.
A joint US /European satellite launches to study oceans U.S.-European mission launches to monitor the world's oceans -- ScienceDaily
China rolls out Long March 5 rocket for Chang'e 5 moon sample-return mission launch | Space
Plant the Moon competition Plant the Moon Challenge – Help NASA return to the Moon to stay! Or follow this link https://www.facebook.com/557836294229329/posts/3870155142997411/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Building block of life can form long before stars https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201116112856.htm
The final missing ingredient for life found on comet C-G https://newatlas.com/space/phosphorus-comet-67p-churyumov-gerasimenko-rosetta/
There are 36 contactable exoplanets with conditions suitable for life https://www.facebook.com/46126453526/posts/10157814646598527/?sfnsn=scwspmo
https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3eem4/scientists-discover-a-one-in-a-million-super-earth-in-the-centre-of-the-galaxy?utm_source=vicefbuk&fbclid=IwAR0VYUVz0biutEs4Zu40o_8OG2fEzEzXtgA90mu67piptG3mrxZoiWRAdX0 Beware of contradictory statements – at one point it's described as having the same size and mass as Earth, but elsewhere it says it could be up to the mass of Neptune, which is 17 times the mass of the Earth! See also
Amazing aurora image https://www.facebook.com/groups/100328570137468/permalink/1363183883851924/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Early water, and an intense bombardment, on ancient Mars https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/famed-meteorite-reveals-early-water-mars-and-early-outer-space-bombardment?utm_campaign=news_daily_2020-11-17&et_rid=415711678&et_cid=3562599
Zircon minerals in ancient Mars meteorite reveals internal structure of the planet https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/11/201117113057.htm
A Megaflood once raced across the Martian equator Field geology at Mars' equator points to ancient megaflood -- ScienceDaily
The final mystery of the Philae lander solved https://www.facebook.com/7155422274/posts/10159502054382275/?sfnsn=scwspmo
The final missing ingredient for life found on comet C-G https://newatlas.com/space/phosphorus-comet-67p-churyumov-gerasimenko-rosetta/
70,000 years ago a star skimmed by our SS https://www.facebook.com/108218329601/posts/10159226736624602/?sfnsn=scwspmo
https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/nasa-says-landing-astronauts-on-moon-by-2024-is-unlikely/ar-BB1b8VJf?ocid=msedgdhp we could have told NASA that!
UK to get a 'Space Force' https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/end-era-of-retreat-boris-johnson-pledges-laser-guns-as-he-pumps-extra-16-5bn-into-military/ar-BB1bawjG?ocid=msedgdhp
Rocket Lab joins the successful rocket recovery club. https://newatlas.com/space/rocket-lab-first-booster-recovery/?utm_source=New+Atlas+Subscribers&utm_campaign=d5e1ffd3ab-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_11_20_09_13&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_65b67362bd-d5e1ffd3ab-92786061
A solar-powered rocket for interstellar exploration https://www.wired.com/story/a-solar-powered-rocket-might-be-our-ticket-to-interstellar-space/?utm_source=onsite-share&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=wired
Potentially Solar Power from space?
https://www.facebook.com/1277799034/posts/10218539713385567/?sfnsn=scwspmo . I'm not sure if I like this idea!
The latest crew arriving at the ISS.
Not enough resources on the Moon for everyone Growing interest in Moon resources could cause tension -- ScienceDaily
Astronauts going to Mars will need conscientiousness, experts say | Daily Mail Online
Health effects of long spaceflight New insights on health effects of long-duration space flight -- ScienceDaily
The final mystery of the Philae lander solved https://www.facebook.com/7155422274/posts/10159502054382275/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Russia says the ISS has serious problems, wants to build its own replacement https://www.facebook.com/groups/100328570137468/permalink/1372731226230523/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Musk says that his Mars Starship will fly next week https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/elon-musk-mars-starship-launch-spacex-b1762274.html
The Hope Probe will assess chances for human habitation of Mars https://www.facebook.com/23497828950/posts/10157883059003951/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Space-X launches and recovers the same rocket for the 7th time! https://www.facebook.com/17610706465/posts/10157580037811466/?sfnsn=scwspmo
Space travel affects energy production in cells Space travel can adversely impact energy production in a cell -- ScienceDaily
Perseverance Rover to create oxygen on surface of Mars Perseverance rover to create oxygen on the surface of Mars (newatlas.com)
Hyabusa's asteroid sample is nearly home! Spacecraft with precious asteroid cargo is almost home after 3 billion-mile trek | Live Science
Massive 115ft Rosalind Franklin rover parachutes successfully tested ahead of Red Planet launch | Daily Mail Online They're not massive! They have to be as light as possible. But they are big
Telescopes, Instruments, Techniques:
The 1000 ft dish at Arecibo, damaged again, will be dismantled https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/famed-arecibo-telescope-brink-collapse-will-be-dismantled This is a shame, but there's really no other choice. The 500m FAST dish in China is now the sole really large 'dish' radio telescope in the world. See also
Arecibo radio telescope, damaged beyond repair, seen from space (msn.com)
Machine learning reveals secrets of stellar nurseries Machine learning: A breakthrough in the study of stellar nurseries -- ScienceDaily
20. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link downloads a Word document to join the IAA. http://documents.irishastro.org.uk/iaamembership.doc
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also https://irishastro.org/
The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858
DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.
Clear skies,
Terry Moseley