Hi all,
1. IAA Public Lecture, Wednesday October 23, 7.30 p.m. "Looking for rings and gas around exoplanets", by Dr Ernst de Mooj, (QUB)
There are now over 4,000 exoplanets known, with over 3,000 positively confirmed. They have an amazing range of sizes, masses, temperatures and orbital periods, and orbit a variety of different types of stars, including some similar to the Sun, and some quite close to Earth. We're now approaching the point where it may be possible to detect life in some cases, if it exists.
The first exoplanet around a Sun-like star was discovered almost 25 years ago - a discovery that has won this year's Nobel prize. Since that time, the field of exoplanet studies has taken a large leap forward. Not only have we now discovered over 3000 planets outside of our Solar System, but we have started to probe their atmospheres. We have even identified a potential giant ring system with a diameter of approximately 90 million kilometers!
In this talk I will show how we can find planets, study their atmospheres, and how we can move forward to search for rings around planets outside of the Solar System.
Details; 7.30 p.m., Bell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building , QUB. Admission free, including light refreshments. See www.irishastro.org.
2. ISS. The International Space Station commences another series of morning passes on 24 Oct, and these will continue to 10 Nov. Details for your own, or any, location, and lots more astronomy, on www.heavens-above.com
3. Armagh Planetarium Dome Shows, Mon 28 Oct – Sat 2 Nov.
11am: Little Yellow Star (Toddler Show)
12noon: Perfect Little Planet (Family Show)
1pm: Beyond the Blue (Recommended older audience)
2pm: CapCom Go! (Recommended older audience)
3pm: Sun, Moon and Stars (Family Show)
4pm: We Are Stars (Recommended older audience)
Group Bookings welcome. Please contact reception@armagh.ac.uk or call 028 37523689 for more information
4. Armagh Observatory Tour with Planetarium Dome show
Tuesday 29 Oct, 1pm
Fancy something a little different? Have you ever wanted to peek inside our Observatory Building and learn more about the History and Heritage of our site?
If the answer is yes, then join us on Tuesday 29 Oct!
Begin with a Dome Theatre Show starting at 1pm then enjoy an inspiring tour of our Observatory. Only a small number of Tickets are available for this unique event so book early!
Time: 45mins
Please Note: Due to the nature of the grounds there will be uphill ascents and rough terrain.
5. Dark Matter Day: 31 October
6. Samhain agus Science, DIAS; 31 October - 01 November:
Our annual celebration will kick off with a talk by Peter Coles in 10 Burlington Road, with more events to be confirmed shortly. Once confirmed all details will be available on the Dias website.
7. Armagh Planetarium Adult Takeover, 1 November
On Friday 1 November join us for the Adult Takeover from 6.30pm when Scientific Sue will be entertaining with her adult 18+ Science show.
The performance will include dangerous dinner table tricks, sticky biology, explosive chemistry and dare-devil physics demos and plenty of innuendo for fun loving grown-ups and, as always, Sue will be needing the help of brave volunteers from the audience.
You can also grab a drink, get a Moon green-screen photo and enjoy a music show in the dome theatre as well.
Expect the unexpected and blow away the Autumn blues for this one time only adult science show which aims to stimulate curiosity and imagination whilst also highlighting the relevance and impact of science and engineering on our everyday lives.
Warning: Danger! Science Magic - Fun Guaranteed
This is an evening with a difference and certainly one not to miss so get your mates together and book your tickets before they sell out! Strictly Over 18 Only.
Booking is essential as places are limited. Choose either the 7pm or 8.30pm live science show
Call 028 3752 3689
8. Mayo Dark Sky Festival, 1- 3 November. Newport, Co Mayo. Updates -
Latest news - Astronaut Dr. Robert Thirsk will speak at this year's festival, and we are delighted to confirm that Professor Mark McCaughrean will also be joining the line-up, which also includes Dr Niall Smith of CIT and Blackrock Castle Observatory, and Dr Niamh Shaw, aspiring astronaut.
Also confirmed is DR. NORAH PATTEN is a faculty member at the International Space University and is a citizen scientist-astronaut candidate with Project PoSSUM. An award winning STEM advocate and ambassador. Norah has participated in several citizen science campaigns including microgravity research flights and spacesuit testing and evaluation. In September 2019, Norah is a children's author with the publication of her book 'Shooting for the Stars' by The O'Brien Press.
This is a weekend of fabulous family friendly events featuring astronomy, science, culture and the environment in the communities of Newport, Mulranny & Ballycroy, Mayo. Our festival programme is here and tickets can be purchased online (kids go free!): https://www.mayodarkskyfestival.ie/programme
Norah was a recipient of the Emerging Space Leaders Grant and a Next Generation Plenary panellist at the International Astronautical Congress in 2015. Through a partnership with NanoRacks, Norah initiated and managed 'The Only Way is Up' project which launched Ireland's first student experiment to the International Space Station in 2014. Norah participated in the International Space University Space Studies Program in 2010 and holds a PhD in aeronautical engineering. She currently works as the programme manager at the Irish Composites Center (IComp)Details at www.mayodarkskyfestival.ie
It will be followed by -
9. European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky Mulranny, Mayo, 3 - 5 Nov.
UPDATES. The14th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky is to be held in Mulranny, County Mayo, from 3rd to 5th November 2019 (immediately following the Mayo Dark Sky Festival weekend). Please share the dates and details on this event and would love to see you there.
This event is offers a truly international programme, which you can view online here: https://www.mayodarkskyfestival.ie/symposium-programme We have speakers and representative of IDA places all over the world, including Japan, Germany, France, Austria, Spain, UK and more as well as various guest speakers (including the author of the newly published "Lonely Planet guide to Dark Skies", Valerie Stimac).
The European Symposium for the Protection of the Night sky runs over 3 dates, offering a platform for research, activism and policy discussions on protecting the night sky and is licenced by the International Dark Sky Association (IDA) as a sister event to their 2019 AGM and Dark Sky Conference.
The event is open to everyone - academics, activists, architects, astronomers, community groups, conservationists, dark sky advocates, ecologists, engineers, lighting experts, planners, policy makers, scientists, students and more (!) to discuss the challenges and explore the solutions to light pollution and implementing best practices for dark sky friendly lighting.
In particularly we are looking to promote the call for abstracts and would be grateful if you can help us share this international event for Dark Sky Ireland with colleagues in environmental /astronomy & scientific/ dark sky networks. This event will be sanctioned by the International Dark Sky Association.
Information is available on our website www.mayodarkskyfestival.ie/symposium and we will be updating this with more announcements, news and updates on the event as they happen.
10. IAU 100 Astronomy Day in Schools, 10 – 17 November
As one of IAU100's goals is to foster communication and exchange of ideas for the global astronomical community, this also includes the exchange of knowledge and ideas with the next generation of astronomers. The IAU100 has launched the Astronomy Day in Schools Global Project. This initiative hopes to instil some interest and passion for space sciences to continue the momentum of IAU throughout the next 100 years.
Any amateur or professional astronomer is invited to participate by organising astronomy activities in schools taking place around the week 10-17 November 2019, which includes the World Science Day for Peace and Development on 10 November as well as a Mercury transit on 11 November, which offers an exciting outreach opportunity for the visiting astronomers. This project is also a special opportunity for students to directly interact and engage with astronomers in their communities. Organisers of registered events will have the opportunity to win different prizes.
11. Transit of Mercury, 11 November.
The closest planet to the Sun, little rocky Mercury, transits the Sun as seen from Earth much more frequently than its bigger neighbour Venus. On average, there are 13 transits per century. Because it's both smaller and further away from the Earth than Venus, you definitely need optical aid to see it. This transit will begin at 12.35 and end after local sunset, so the Sun will set with the transit still in progress
The transit lasts from 12.35 – 18.04 UT, but the Sun sets at 16.27 in Belfast.
Local details for Belfast
1st C = 12h 35m 17s,
2nd C = 12h 36m 58s.
Mid transit = 15h 20m 57s,
Transit ends = 18h 03m 50s (not vis).
Sun sets 16h.35m in Dublin, 16h 27m in Belfast.. Sun alt at mid transit = 8º 11' (Dublin); alt = 7º 9' (Belfast). This will be the most central transit until 2190 Nov 12.
The last transit was on 9 May 2016, and the next one won't be until 2032 Nov 13, with mid transit at 08.55. Sunrise will be at 07.51 in Belfast, so most of the transit will be visible from here.
This will be the Mercury transit with the longest duration since 1973, and the longest until 2190 Nov 12.
SAFE VIEWING: Like anything involving observing the Sun, eye safety is paramount. You should NEVER look directly at the Sun with any sort of optical instrument, or you will seriously damage your eyes, with possible permanent blindness.
The only safe ways to observe this event are as follows:
1. Telescope or good binoculars which you fit with a specially designed solar filter such as Baader Astrosolar, which you make to fit your own instrument using just scissors, card, and tape. If you are using binoculars you should either make a filter for each objective (front lens), or else make only one, and make sure that the front lens cap is securely fitted over the other objective. Do NOT use just an eyepiece lens cap, as the focused sunlight will quickly burn a hole through it.
Since Mercury is quite small, you'll need fairly high-power binoculars to see it – a pair with a magnification of at least 12x.
2. Projection Method: use either an ordinary telescope, or one half of a good pair of binoculars, to project the image onto a piece of white card held about 20 – 30 cm behind the eyepiece. You'll also need to fit some sort of a screen over the eyepiece end of the telescope tube to prevent direct sunlight falling on the projection screen and spoiling the image. This method has the advantage that a number of people can observe the event simultaneously – all standing with their backs towards the un, looking at the screen. See the photo for how the projection is done.
If you have a telescope
3. A proper Solar Telescope designed for observing the Sun. These are very expensive, and if you already have one, you'll know how to use it.
4. A special solar eyepiece, which you use with an ordinary telescope. These are also very expensive, and if you already have one, you'll know how to use it.
PHOTOGRAPHY: never try and photograph the Sun directly with any sort of camera: you will almost certainly damage the CCD chip. You should either photograph through a telescope fitted with a filter as above, or else photograph the projected image as in 2 above.
Alternatively, if you have a camera with a telephoto or zoom lens which gives a magnification of at least 10 over a standard view you can make a solar filter to fit over the front of the lens as in 1 above. Note that a 'zoom range' of 10 to 1 is not enough, as that's the total range, from wide-angle to medium telephoto; such a lens might only magnify 6 or 7 times above the standard view, which will not be enough.
12. Mission Santa, Christmas experience, AOP, every Saturday 30 Nov – 22 Dec. For kids, of course. Booking at www.armagh.space
13. For Sale: Pulsar Telescope Dome, with full control equipment.
The dome is around 5 years old in perfect condition and is currently fully dismantled and available for collection. The dome comes complete with the associated equipment;
· Pulsar Observatory 2.2m full height observatory dome
· Shutter drive kit (including solar panel module plus charger and 12V battery)
· Dome Rotation Drive Kit
· Shelyak Dome tracker kit
· Dome security clamps
· Rubber flooring kit
· Associated cables and wiring and other extras.
Total Price NEW – c £6,500; Price as available £3,500
Contact Dr Andy McCrea of North Down Telescopes, email s.mccrea980@btinternet.com, mob 07799434030
14. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer - Use of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources). NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.
Using a giant galaxy cluster to lens a tiny young galaxy in x-rays https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191014111718.htm
Clues to Earth's original building blocks https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/10/191017125238.htm
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7600999/Time-lapse-photo-reveals-Earths-dazzling-street-lights-fires-thunderstorms-orbit.html Fantastic – apart from all the light pollution!
Nobel prizewinner says we'll never colonise another planetary system. https://www.livescience.com/will-we-ever-live-exoplanet.html?utm_source=Selligent&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=8714&utm_content=20191015_LS_Essentials_Newsletter+-+adhoc+&utm_term=3473357&m_i=ql0qC%2Byqo4HGsHOXD3biJfyIjr%2BiqzgF66_A6ZV9LcivILIdws435xga2Hyici%2BLHdkzPuGaZts1VU5850MfxecG9EoTYW0qqS
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7588111/First-female-spacewalk-set-begin-ISS.html Let's hope this will soon be normal, not newsworthy.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7600999/Time-lapse-photo-reveals-Earths-dazzling-street-lights-fires-thunderstorms-orbit.html Fantastic – apart from all the light pollution!
15. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link downloads a Word document to join the IAA. http://documents.irishastro.org.uk/iaamembership.doc
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also www.irishastro.org .
The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858
DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.
Clear skies,
Terry Moseley