"Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos" – Public talk by Visiting Professors Geraint Lewis and Luke Barnes. See http://www.armagh.co.uk/event/life-in-a-finely-tuned-cosmos-public-talk-by-visiting-professors-geraint-lewis-and-luke-barnes/ for details and booking.
Booking now open at https://
13. NEW: Dark Matter Day: 31 October: This is a new event, aiming to raise awareness of the mysterious 'Dark Matter'. There will be a special show at Armagh Planetarium, and other events are being considered. Watch this space for updates. See https://www.darkmatterday.com/
Astronomy Museums, Visitor Centres, & Public Observatories Workshop, 27-29 September 2017, Leiden, the Netherlands. See: https://www.
World Space Week 2017: 4–10 October 2017, Location: All around the world. More Information: http://www.worldspaceweek.org/
International Observe the Moon Night: 28 October 2017, Location: All around the world, More Information: http://observethemoonnight.
International Observe the Moon Night, 28 October 2017. More Information: http://observethemoonnight.
1. Since they won't land on Mars (except for possible short visits) they will be weightless for the whole of the 1,000 days - that will cause severe physiological degeneration. They should rotate at least part of the ship, to create some artificial gravity. And if they were to have a surface base on Mars instead, they would have 38% of Earth gravity for 8 months, which is a heck of a lot better than none.
2. They will be exposed to cosmic and solar radiation for the whole of the 1,000 days, although they will get brief periods of shielding from solar radiation only, when they pass behind Mars on each orbit. If they landed on Mars for the eight months they will be there, they could get shielding from both forms of radiation by building a suitable shielded habitation module, or by living in lava tubes. There is no mention of radiation shielding in the design of the ship.
3. By staying in the ship for almost all of the 1,000 days they will increase the psychological pressures from living together in such close quarters. - By going onto the surface for eight months or so, there would be a change of habitat, and the opportunity for much more EVA activity.
17. JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION: This link downloads a Word document to join the IAA. http://documents.irishastro.
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Clear skies,
Terry Moseley