This lecture will present some exclusive new findings about the trips that were made to various parts of the world to observe the Total Solar Eclipse in 1919: the first attempt to check the predictions of General Relativity. see
There are two important local connections –
1. The telescope lens, which was made in Ireland; and 2. The astronomer who led the expedition to Brazil was Andrew Crommelin, born in Cushendun, Co Antrim, and son of the family who gave their name to NewtownCrommelin in Co Antrim! See Andrew Crommelin was a noted cometary astronomer, and one of only 4 people who have a comet named after them although they did not discover it:
You will have a chance to see the telescope lens that proved Einstein's theory of Relativity was correct! And it was made in this Island!
NB: We are aware that there had been problems hearing the speaker from the back of the lecture theatre, partly due to the noise from the twin data projector cooling fans. At the last lecture all the speakers used a mike and the PA system, which seemed to solve the problem. We will ensure that all future speakers use a microphone to prevent this problem recurring.
6. IAA Observing Nights at Delamont Country Park
The Star of Bethlehem is an iconic astronomical event whose true origin remains unknown even today, in spite of years of speculation and research. The show will guide the viewer through some of these investigations and the most likely causes of this interesting cosmological object which was remarkable enough to make the wise men travel across the desert from Babylon to Bethlehem to see the new born baby.
You will also explore possible dates for the birth of Christ and look at the historical records of significant astronomical events which occurred at this time.
The show opens on Monday 1 until Tuesday 23 December 2014.
Show Times:
Monday – Friday (1-19 Dec) at 2pm
Saturday/School Holidays at 1pm and 4pm
Evening shows every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2-18 December at 7:30pm
Booking is essential
8. Cosmic stocking fillers & Christmas nights out at BCO
Xmas events include Cosmic Christmas Workshop, BuildSkills Workshop, Christmas Stocking Fillers, A Christmas night with a difference, Moon Observing, We wish you a very Cosmic Christmas
10. New books on the Moon by Cork man John Moore. See Features of the Near Side Moon (Grayscale Edition) -
11. IAA New Year Party: 3 January, Comber, Co Down, More details soon, but note your diaries now.
12. FAEROES ECLIPSE TRIP: The next Total Solar Eclipse visible on Earth will be on 20 March, 2015. This total eclipse track will only cross land on Earth in two places: the Faeroes, and Svalbard in the far North Atlantic. IAA member and eclipse author Dr Kate Russo will be leading a tour to observe this eclipse in the Faeroes. I have the honour to be the 'eclipse/astronomy/aurora expert' on the trip, on which we hope to be able to get good views of the aurora as well as the eclipse itself. See You can also find out more details on the eclipse blog site:
13. ARCHAEOASTRONOMY TRIP TO NEWGRANGE and KNOWTH, 2015, These trips have proved so popular that as soon as I got back from the last one, Stranmillis University College Institute of LifeLong Learning asked me to lead another one next spring! Like the last one, the next trip will include a visit to the Knowth Tomb as well. It has the largest collection of Megalithic art anywhere in Europe in one single site, some of which is reckoned to be astronomical. Booking for thus very popular, non-technical trip will open later, but if you want to go, note the date in your diary: Sat 9 May. More details when the new brochure comes out.
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