There will be three talks on the evening @ 19.00/20.00/21.00 hrs in The Meridian Room on different topics within the area of Astronomy.
DIRECTIONS: We are situated just off the M50 at the Main Blanchardstown (J6) Roundabout / Intersection situated over the M50 itself.
Come off that roundabout heading in the direction of the City Center, Going towards the NEW Main Auburn/Navan Road INTERSECTION, Dunsink Lane which is situated beyond the NEW RIVER ROAD beside The Travel Lodge Motel (now a traffic light junction), off the NEW Main Auburn intersection. SIGNPOSTED FINGLAS/DUNSINK, which appears very soon when coming off the Main Blanchardstown Roundabout over the M50.
3. International Observe the Moon Night, Sep 22:
Saturday, September 22nd, is when telescopes world-wide will be pointed at our lovely space neighbour for members of the public to observe the Moon. More details later.
4. The International Space Station (ISS) commenced another series of 'Morning Passes' over Ireland today. See for details.
5. "Meteorites Tamed" Lecture Series, Ulster Museum, by Dr Mike Simms
Mondays at 7.30pm, 22nd October – 26th November 2012
Free. Booking for each lecture essential: Go to, Telephone 028 9044 0000
(Lines open Tue – Sun 10am – 6pm), Email:
SYNOPSIS: Every year visitors from Outer Space arrive on Earth. These are meteorites, messengers from beyond our planet. This series of six lectures from Dr Mike Simms will explain what meteorites are, where they come from, how they get here, and what they can tell us about the far reaches and earliest history of our Solar System.
6. QUB/IAA PUBLIC LECTURE: The next in the QUB Michael West Public Astronomy Lecture Series is entitled "The Sun", and will be on October 17. It will be given by well known astronomer Dr Lucie Green (you probably saw her on Stargazing Live on BBC, and she has previously given a lecture to the IAA in Belfast). She is a recognised expert on the Sun, and her talk is sure to be fascinating. These lectures are held in conjunction with the IAA, and form part of our regular fortnightly programme. However, due to the larger than usual numbers expected, it will be held in the Larmor Lecture Theatre, also in the Physics building, instead. Admission is free, but places must be pre-booked. see:
7. ODYSSEUS SPACE CONTEST FOR EU SCHOOLS: (From Robert Hill): This is a nice challenge for schools in Ireland, North and south. See