Hi all,
1. ISS Current Evening Passes over Ireland. The International Space Station continues its series of excellent evening passes over Ireland. On its best passes it can appear as the second brightest starlike object in the sky, second only to Venus. Details for your own location are on www.heavens-above.com.
2. Public Lecture, St. Patrick's Trian, Armagh, 8.00pm Thursday 13 May.
Martin Hendry (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow): "Did We Really Land on the Moon?"
More than 40 years after Apollo 11 there are a surprising number of theories around --- in books, documentary programmes and the internet --- that Neil Armstrong's famous "One small step" was an elaborate hoax, filmed in secret here on Earth. Conspiracy theorists point to a range of "evidence" to support their claim, including waving flags, strange shadows, no stars in the sky and deadly solar radiation. In this talk, using real Apollo video footage and a
series of simple demonstrations, we will take a closer look at the science behind "moon hoax" claims, and ask whether we really did land on the Moon.
The public lecture is free of charge and open to all. To obtain a ticket, please contact Mrs Aileen McKee, Armagh Observatory, College Hill, Armagh; Tel: 028-3752-2928; E-mail: ambn@arm.ac.uk.
HERITAGE THROUGH TIME, organized by the Armagh Visitor Education Committee
(AVEC) at the Navan Centre, Killylea Road, Armagh, from 10:00am to 4.00pm on Wednesday 19th May.
This is the fifth heritage day organized by AVEC to promote the wealth of Armagh City and District's cultural heritage. This year the event, which will be opened by Councillor Thomas O'Hanlon, Mayor of Armagh City and District, will trace the historical development of Armagh from pre-Christian times right up to the present day.
The principal speaker is Professor Jim Mallory (Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, Queen's University Belfast), who will provide an introduction to Navan - Emain Mhacha - and the Celts. Local speakers drawn from the membership of AVEC are Dr Greer Ramsey (Armagh County Museum), who will provide a view of Armagh through time using information and artefacts contained in the Armagh County Museum, and Professor Mark Bailey (Armagh Observatory) who will highlight how the results of modern astronomical research are providing a new framework for interpreting prehistory and Earth's place in space. There will also be guided tours of the Navan Centre and information and displays about the work of AVEC and its more than a dozen individual members, all of whom are working together to promote better cooperation, communication and partnership amongst the visitor attractions and education and lifelong learning institutions in the City of Armagh.
Admission to the event is free of charge and open to all. To obtain a ticket, please contact Mrs Aileen McKee, Armagh Observatory, College Hill, Armagh; Tel: 028-3752-2928; E-mail: ambn@arm.ac.uk. The full programme as well as further information about the AVEC institutions can be accessed from the AVEC website http://scholars.arm.ac.uk/avec/.
4. Blackrock Castle Observatory Events: First Fridays at the Castle, continues with a CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory open night this Friday May 7 which includes the Cork Science Café, Hubble anniversary image unveiling, workshops, lectures and stargazing events.
Contact: Clair McSweeney, Facilities Manager, Blackrock Castle Observatory, Blackrock, Cork. Tel: +353 21 4357917, Email: clairmcsweeney@bco.ie, Web: www.bco.ie.
Blackrock Castle Observatory is Ireland’s official media and outreach representative for the European Southern Observatory, ESO, the most productive ground-based observatory in the world. www.eso.org/public/ireland
5. Space art competition for children
The European Space Agency has launched a monthly art competition series for children aged up to 14. There is a space-related theme each month and the winning entries will be featured on the ESA Kids website. Find out more at:
Clear Skies,
Terry Moseley