Tuesday, 21 June 2022

NLCs, OM/Davagh events, OPIS, Solstice, Parade of Planets, Asteroid Day, ISS, Webinar, On the Moon, Teasers

Hi all,


1. NLCs. The season for seeing Noctilucent Clouds (NLCs) runs from now until late July. Look low in the North for about two hours on either side of local midnight (allowing for longitude and summer time, i.e. local midnight in Ireland is approximately 01.20 to 01.40 clock time). They appear as silvery/white streaks and wisps shining brighter against the twilit background sky. The further South you are, the less chance you have of seeing them, as they will appear much closer to the horizon.

2. OM Events at Davagh Dark Sky Park: There  will be some daytime moon and sun viewing sessions and a little 'AstronOMy' Club, plus other things related to the forest and so on. The page to check is: What's On | Guided tours at OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory

3. Our Place In Space | What's On The interactive scale model of the Solar System on Divis, just outside Belfast. See Scale model of solar system installed in Belfast hills (msn.com)  For details of the Belfast events, see:  Belfast | Our Place In Space.

4. Summer Solstice. The Sun reaches its most Northerly point on the ecliptic on 21 June at 09.13 (10.13 B/IST) marking the start of N. Hemisphere Summer.


5. Parade of the Planets, 20 to 28 June

During this period, all the naked eye planets will be visible together in the morning sky, in order of their distance from the Sun, although Mercury will be very low and you'll need binoculars to see it, except perhaps from the very far South of the island. The waning Moon will also be in the area, and on the mornings of 22 to 26 June, the Moon will also be in its correct order from the Sun, i.e. Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.

Aesthetically, the nicest view will be on the 24th, with the waning crescent Moon about halfway between Venus and Mars.

To find Mercury, look about 10º below left of brilliant Venus, at an angle of about 8p.m. on a clock face. From the N of the island it won't rise until civil twilight has started, and it will be only mag -0.1 on the 24th, -0.2 on the 25th, -0.3 on the 26th, -0.4 on the 27th and -0.5 on the 28th, so binoculars or a wide-field telescope will be required.

   On the 27th, Mercury will lie below the thin crescent Moon, and that will be your last good chance to find Mercury and to be able to see the Moon in the line-up.

Uranus and Neptune will also be in the line, but not in order, and you'll need binoculars or a telescope to see them.


6. Asteroid Day, 30 June.

See: ASTEROID DAY LIVE - Asteroid Day


7. ISS: A new series of morning passes starts on 1 July, transitioning into a mixture of morning and evening passes, and then evening passes only, continuing to 28 July. Details as usual on www.heavens-above.com


8. Space and Astronomy Webinar returns, 4 July. The next one will be at 7.30 on Tuesday 4  July. More details and links in next bulletin


9. On the Moon Again is Back on 8-10 July.
You are invited to join in a global project to bring observational astronomy to the streets of communities. On the Moon Again will take place from 8-10 July. For more information, see their website; to register your activity, fill out this form.


10. Davagh Dark Sky Park and Observatory is open, with pre-booking, and some restrictions.

 See https://www.midulstercouncil.org/visitor/things-to-do/star-gazing/davagh-dark-sky-observatory , and https://www.facebook.com/omdarksky/ I'll post any updates here. Or phone 03000 132 132 for changing Covid-19 advice.



What comes up sideways, but goes down vertically? No guesses yet, so - Clue: There's a pair. Another clue: "It's in your stars". Another clue: the coming up starts in the autumn, and the going down happens in the spring. Still no correct answers, so here's a final clue. It's a constellation .



What's the connection between: a London Borough, a piece of rock, and another solar system body? No guesses yet, so – Clue: the other solar system body is a planet. Another clue: it's one of the 'terrestrial planets". Another clue: the residents of the borough seem to like using their car horns.


  Please send all Teaser answers to me at my aol address terrymosel@aol.com


13. INTERESTING WEBLINKS (Disclaimer - Use of material herein from various sources does not imply approval or otherwise of the opinions, political or otherwise, of those sources).  NB: If the title in the weblink does not indicate the subject matter, I give a brief simple intro before the link. I may also comment about the link afterwards.



Young galaxy's coming of age: Early galaxies may be surprisingly big and complex -- ScienceDaily

Tracing the remnants of Andromeda's violent history: A detailed analysis of the composition and motion of more than 500 stars revealed conclusive evidence of ancient a collision between Andromeda and a neighboring galaxy -- ScienceDaily

Astronomers find evidence for most powerful pulsar in distant galaxy -- ScienceDaily (Note quote from Gregg Hallinan!)

The tarantula's cosmic web: Astronomers map violent star formation in nebula outside our galaxy -- ScienceDaily

Wandering star disrupts stellar nursery: Event provides new evidence that traveling stars can form binary systems -- ScienceDaily

Previously hidden protoclusters could reveal new details of galaxy evolution: The ancestors of some of the largest galaxy clusters have been hiding in plain sight. -- ScienceDaily

Dead star's cannibalism of its planetary system is most far-reaching ever witnessed: White dwarf sheds light on the systemic chaos that occurs when a star dies -- ScienceDaily

Gaia maps two billion Milky Way objects in unprecedented detail (newatlas.com)

A Rare Repeating Fast Radio Burst Gives Astronomers a Chance to Study These Mysterious Objects - Universe Today

Your chance to see a Black Hole yourself https://www.facebook.com/184127114954273/posts/5589925301041067/?sfnsn=scwspmo

Astronomers Caught Betelgeuse Just Before it Started Dimming and Might Have Seen a Pressure Wave Rippling Through its Atmosphere - Universe Today

Andromeda Tore Apart and Consumed a Neighbor Galaxy - Universe Today

Watching the death of a rare giant star -- ScienceDaily Interesting. But Betelgeuse is usually classed just as a Red Supergiant, not a Hypergiant. I wonder what the surface temperature of VY CMa is? Probably fairly low, comparatively speaking, as it's so distended.

Mysterious 'blue blobs' reveal a new kind of star system -- ScienceDaily and

Bizarre blue blobs in space may be born from galactic "belly flops" (newatlas.com)

Ancient galaxies are casting long shadows across the universe, scientists say (msn.com)

Galaxies in the earlier universe could be 'far bigger than we previously thought' (msn.com)

Astronomers spot weird star that is travelling faster than any like it (msn.com)

Scientists map violent nebula to discover how stars were formed 10bn years ago (msn.com)

Astronomers discover most eccentric young star system (msn.com)

Fastest-growing black hole of past 9bn years may have been found, Australian-led astronomers say (msn.com)

'Dark' black hole wandering the Milky Way may be the smallest yet detected (msn.com)

Gaia probe detects unusual 'starquakes' during recent survey | Space and

UK space probe spots tsunami-like 'starquake' as 'goldmine' exposes Milky Way's secrets (msn.com)

HST determines mass of rogue Black Hole https://www.facebook.com/100000261915995/posts/5568688463149829/?sfnsn=scwspmo

Yoyo stars responsible for off-center bubbles -- ScienceDaily

Rapid-fire fast radio burst shows hot space between galaxies -- ScienceDaily

Repeating Fast Radio Burst Detected From Far Away Dwarf Galaxy | Watch (msn.com)

WFastest-growing black hole of past 9bn years may have been found, Australian-led astronomers say (msn.com)eird radio structure detected around universe's brightest quasar | Live Science

Detecting new particles around black holes with gravitational waves -- ScienceDaily

Colossal collisions linked to solar system science -- ScienceDaily

Fast radio bursts: New blast of energy coming from space is unlike previous signals, scientists say (msn.com)

New trove of data from Europe's Gaia mission will lead to best Milky Way map ever | Space

A 'trove' of black hole discoveries emerge from dwarf galaxies | Space

"Impossible" neutron star spins too slowly and emits 7 types of signals (newatlas.com) and

This newly discovered neutron star might light the way for a whole new class of stellar object (msn.com)

Hubble telescope spots peculiar dwarf galaxy with really bright neighbor (msn.com)

Astronomy team finds evidence of galactic metal shrouded in dust: Infrared emissions reveal secrets invisible with optical wavelength observations -- ScienceDaily

An accidental space telescope discovered why giant star Betelgeuse grew dim (msn.com)



Does the infinite exist? - Big Think

Physicists discover never-before seen particle sitting on a tabletop | Live Science

Cosmological gravitational waves: A new approach to reach back to the Big Bang -- ScienceDaily

New simulation charts how the early universe developed within seconds of the Big Bang (msn.com)



China's Lunar Lander Finds Water Under its Feet - Universe Today

Canadian meteorite may be first visitor from the Kuiper belt | New Scientist

A Geologic map of the Entire Moon has Been Released at 1:2,500,000-Scale - Universe Today

The Rapid Changes We're Seeing With the Earth's Magnetic Field Don't Mean the Poles are About to Flip. This is Normal - Universe Today

China's moon sample-return mission finds water evidence twice over (msn.com)

Why France signing NASA's lunar exploration pact is the most important signature yet (msn.com)

Earth's core is twisting under our feet, scientists find (msn.com)

Luna 25 will be heading for the lunar S. Pole in September https://www.facebook.com/551070831/posts/10160742741270832/?sfnsn=mo

NASA picks new experiments for commercial delivery to moon in 2026 (msn.com)

NASA to explore a lunar orbit to serve as outpost for future missions | Watch (msn.com)

Nasa says it will investigate mysterious mounds on moon in Artemis mission (msn.com)

China is putting a floating power station in space (msn.com) and China brings forward launch of solar power plant space station that would beam energy back to Earth (msn.com)



Scientists make major breakthrough in search for aliens – and its first discovery is a disappointment (msn.com)

Astronomer claims robots have replaced aliens and they're targeting humans next (msn.com)

The Northern Irish mathematician helping NASA find life on other planets - Belfast Live

'Building blocks of life' found in asteroid dust (aol.co.uk)

Researcher Claims Four 'Alien Civilisations' in the Milky Way Could Attack Earth (msn.com) Why would they bother? - We're doing a good enough job ourselves!

Aliens could use rogue planets to reach Earth (msn.com) Just one problem - how do you steer a planet through space????



Astronomers discover a multiplanet system nearby: Just 33 light years from Earth, the system appears to host two rocky, Earth-sized planets -- ScienceDaily

Scientists on the hunt for planetary formation fossils reveal unexpected eccentricities in nearby debris disk: First radio images of HD 53143 shed new light on the early development of Sun-like systems -- ScienceDaily

Two New Rocky Planets Discovered Close to the Solar System - Universe Today

How Do Hot Jupiters Get So Close to Their Stars? - Universe Today

These 10 super extreme exoplanets are out of this world (msn.com)

Do extraterrestrial auroras occur on other planets? | Live Science

There may be 4 evil alien civilizations in the galaxy | Live Science




Fascinating video https://www.facebook.com/reel/433464534897071?fs=e&s=cl

 Behold the coiled beauty of this snake-like galaxy 80 million light-years from Earth | Space

Hubble Space Telescope takes its largest near-infrared image ever (msn.com)

Hubble Space Telescope images twisted galaxy shaped by a big neighbor | Space

Wow! International Space Station and Boeing Starliner captured in the same incredible image (msn.com)

Hubble telescope snaps trippy new view of two swirling galaxies (msn.com)

NASA's Juno spacecraft soars to offer incredible flyby of Jupiter | Watch (msn.com)



China Says It May Have Detected Signals From Alien Civilisations (msn.com)

China has a new mission to look for alien life (msn.com)



Near-sun comet roasted to death -- ScienceDaily

New maps of asteroid Psyche reveal an ancient world of metal and rock: The varied surface suggests a dynamic history, which could include metallic eruptions, asteroid-shaking impacts, and a lost rocky mantle -- ScienceDaily Is an astronomer who studies this object a Psychelogist?

Gaia space telescope rocks the science of asteroids -- ScienceDaily

This is What the Metal Asteroid Psyche Might Look Like - Universe Today


Japan's Upcoming Mission Will Use a Vacuum to Get its Sample From Phobos - Universe Today

High Altitude Life Can't Explain the Trace Gases in Venus' Atmosphere - Universe Today

ESA Gives Green Light on its Comet Interceptor Mission - Universe Today

After Three Months in Safe-Mode, NASA's Maven Spacecraft Has Been Recovered - Universe Today

A Perfectly Balanced Rock Seen by Perseverance - Universe Today

Gaia space telescope rocks the science of asteroids -- ScienceDaily 

Jupiter may have grown large on a diet of infant planets, study suggests (msn.com)

Martian meteorite upsets planet formation theory -- ScienceDaily

Chemical analysis may close the case on life on Venus (newatlas.com)

Brian Cox witnesses 'Seven Days on Mars' (msn.com)

Scientists watch as comet is 'roasted to death' – and see unexpected results (msn.com)

Nasa Mars rover spots 'unexpected' piece of spacecraft on red planet (msn.com)

Venus's strange clouds are not explained by alien life, scientists say (msn.com)

NASA scientists flock to the Australian outback to see the one-second 'flash' that could unlock the secrets of Pluto - ABC News Isn't astronomy amazing? – what you can do even with portable telescopes!

What happened before, during and after solar system formation? A recent study of the Asteroid Ryugu holds the answers: A team of scientists undertake a comprehensive analysis of samples returned from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Hayabusa2 mission and provide invaluable insights into the formation and evolution of our solar system -- ScienceDaily

Scientists release first analysis of rocks plucked from speeding asteroid: Samples from asteroid Ryugu suggest it's leftover from formation of the Sun billions of years ago -- ScienceDaily

NASA's Psyche mission delay means change of targets for secondary asteroid probes (msn.com)

'Building blocks of life' found in asteroid dust (aol.co.uk)

Colossal collisions linked to solar system science -- ScienceDaily

After "Alien Doorway", NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds Bizarre Spikes On Mars (msn.com)

Mars helicopter takes longest flight | Watch (msn.com)

We Don't Know Neptune at All (msn.com)

Why Uranus and Neptune are different colors -- ScienceDaily

Watch the biggest-ever comet outburst spray dust across the cosmos (msn.com)

What's it like to be on Venus or Pluto? We studied their sand dunes and found some clues. (msn.com)




Russia and the ISS https://www.facebook.com/551070831/posts/10160757144965832/?sfnsn=scwspmo

Starship is one Step Closer to Flight - Universe Today

ESA Gives Green Light on its Comet Interceptor Mission - Universe Today

Russia's new nuclear powered rocket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysT-PujxtG4

NASA prepares to power-down Voyager spacecraft after more than 44 years (msn.com)

NASA's Perseverance rover captured images of its own litter, and it shows how Mars is becoming a junkyard (msn.com)

New spacesuit for Boeing's Starliner capsule unveiled | Space

NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft takes big step toward 2024 launch | Space

Astra rocket suffers major failure during launch, 2 NASA satellites lost (msn.com)

NI space industry experts called to Belfast event (msn.com)

Why France signing NASA's lunar exploration pact is the most important signature yet (msn.com)

The problem of space debris.  https://www.facebook.com/8860325749/posts/10160072902915750/?sfnsn=scwspmo

Russia sparks panic as it tries to hijack orbiting satellite and take it out 'safe mode' (msn.com)

Finally! Inmarsat launches UK's OWN Galileo replacement in huge post-Brexit win (msn.com) – Sure, what's an extra £364 million?

SpaceX's next cargo launch to space station delayed from Friday due to odd propellant reading (msn.com)

China's next crewed spacecraft is ready for potential space station rescue mission (msn.com)

Space explorers will become part-cyborg to adapt, Astronomer Royal says (msn.com)  

China is putting a floating power station in space (msn.com)

SpaceX's Starship will deploy next-gen Starlink satellites Pez-dispenser style (video) (msn.com)

To space and back: Blue Origin's NS-21 crew wants to go again (and again) | Space 

China sends three astronauts to finish construction of its OWN space station (msn.com)  

Groundbreaking sets stage for space shuttle Endeavour launch-like display (msn.com)

NASA picks 2 companies to build next-gen spacesuits for moon | Space  

US takes on UK to launch nuclear fusion rocket for 'next gen' travel in new Space Race (msn.com)  

NASA picks new experiments for commercial delivery to moon in 2026 (msn.com)

What's it like to be on Venus or Pluto? We studied their sand dunes and found some clues. (msn.com)  
Russia launches new Progress 81 cargo ship to International Space Station (msn.com)  
NASA's Artemis 1 moon rocket returns to launch pad for crucial tests (msn.com)
Nasa to launch three rockets from private Australian space port (msn.com)  



Fantastic video! https://fb.watch/dLluMJX-1s/
Odd sunspot appears https://www.facebook.com/100007370648561/posts/3183818445207146/?sfnsn=scwspmo

Particle accelerator region revealed inside a solar flare -- ScienceDaily



Gaia Data Release 3: 'Complete step change' in understanding of our Universe -- ScienceDaily 
NASA telescope to help untangle galaxy growth, dark matter makeup -- ScienceDaily
Gaia space telescope rocks the science of asteroids -- ScienceDaily 
World's largest Liquid Mirror Telescope. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3306714009557414&id=100006565414017&sfnsn=scwspmo
NASA telescope to help untangle galaxy growth, dark matter makeup -- ScienceDaily
James Webb Space Telescope hit by micrometeoroid just months into flight | Space 
Webb Telescope hit by micrometeoroid but sustains no major damage (msn.com) 
NASA plans giant radio telescope on lunar farside https://www.facebook.com/100045998303732/posts/571008754442396/?sfnsn=scwspmo
New simulation charts how the early universe developed within seconds of the Big Bang | Space
New trove of data from Europe's Gaia mission will lead to best Milky Way map ever | Space

UFOs, UAPs etc

Nasa to launch landmark study into unexplained phenomena in the sky (msn.com)

These 10 super extreme exoplanets are out of this world (msn.com)



14.  JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION. This link gives options to join the IAA.

https://irishastro.org/join-the-iaa/ If you are a UK taxpayer, please select the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also https://irishastro.org/  


The Irish Astronomical Association is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 105858


DISCLAIMER: Any views expressed herein are mine, and do not necessarily represent those of the IAA.

Clear skies,

Terry Moseley