Thursday, 9 October 2008

Lectures, Asteroid Hit, Orionids, Robinson Lectures

Hi all,

1. SDAS LECTURE: The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 9th at 8pm
in Gonzaga College, Ranelagh, Dublin. The title of the talk is "Catch a
falling star" and it will be given by one of Ireland's most experienced
meteor observers, John Flannery. It will discuss meteor observing and meteor
science. All are welcome on the night and admission is free.

2. IAA LECTURE: The next IAA public lecture will be on Wednesday October 15,
at 7.30 p.m., in the Bell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, Queen's
University, Belfast. Albert White will give a talk entitled "Light Pollution
and What You Can do About It". Albert is chairman of ILPAC, the Irish Light
Pollution Awareness Campaign, and as the Ninth European Symposium for the
Protection of the Night Sky, under the auspices of the International Dark
Sky Association, will be held in Armagh next September, hosted by ILPAC and
Armagh Observatory, it's a very topical and important topic. Admission is
free, including light refreshments, and all are welcome.

3. DIRECT HIT: Details of a PREDICTED asteroid impact on Earth a couple of
days ago are on <>
-- this was the first time astronomers were able to predict that a
Near-Earth Object would actually enter our atmosphere. The object was only 1
to 3 metres across so it was barely an asteroid, more a big meteoroid. It's
reassuring that we were able to identify, track, and predict it's trajectory
all in a very short timescale. It exploded over northern Sudan with the
force of approximately 1 kiloton of TNT. More on the story can be found at

4. ORIONIDS: The next meteor shower is the Orionids, peaking on October 20,
with a max ZHR of about 25. But bright moonlight will seriously hamper
viewing so observed rates might be less than half of that. You can see some
Orionids from October 16 to 27, but they will be mainly concentrated around
a day or two either side of maximum.

5. 2008 ROBINSON LECTURE: The ninth Robinson Lecture will be held on
Thursday 20th November 2008 in The Armagh City Hotel, 2 Friary Road, Armagh.
The Lecture will be delivered by Professor Peter W.J.L. Brand FRSE, of the
Institute of Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh. The lecture will
begin at 8.00 pm and is scheduled to end at 9.00 pm, followed by light
The Armagh Observatory Robinson Lecture is a public lecture held
biennially in honour of the Founder of the Armagh Observatory, Archbishop
Richard Robinson (1708--1794).
The title of Professor Brand's lecture is: GOD AND THE UNIVERSE
Attendance at the 2008 Robinson Lecture is free, but if you would like to
attend the Lecture, please contact the Armagh Observatory in order to obtain
Please write, telephone or send an e-mail to: Mrs Aileen McKee, Armagh
Observatory, College Hill, Armagh, BT61 9DG; Tel: 028-3752-2928; Fax:
028-3752-7174; e-mail: For more information, see

6. ROBINSON SCHOOLS LECTURE. In addition, Professor Brand is delivering the
Robinson Schools Lecture in the Royal School Armagh, College Hill, Armagh,
at 2.00 pm on Friday, 21st November 2008. Teachers and pupils who would
like to attend should contact Mr Warren Fowles, The Royal School, College
Hill Armagh. Tel.: 028-3752-2807; e-mail:
The title of Professor Brand's schools lecture is: BLACK HOLES AND THE
For more information on the Robinson Schools Lecture, see:

Clear Skies,

Terry Moseley

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