Tuesday, 25 September 2007


Well-know broadcaster, writer & lecturer, Dr John Mason, will be one of the top guest speakers at the WSP. He is combining his visit to Birr with a series of public lectures at various astronomy clubs, as follow:

Wed 3 October: IAA, Belfast, QUB, as already notified. www.irishastro.org
Thurs 4 October, IAS/SDAS, Gonzaga College, Dublin. see http://homepage.eircom.net/~irishas/index.htm
Fri 5 - Sun 7 Oct: at the WSP: see www.shannonsideastronomy.com
Mon 8 Oct: CAC, in UCC Cork. see http://uk.geocities.com/astronomycork
Contact the individual clubs for more details.
It was not possible for him to lecture to all the clubs in Ireland, not even all the big ones, given his time constraints and travel logistics, but most people should be able to get to hear him at the WSP if he's not talking to your own local club.

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