Friday, 8 June 2007

Space in Art exhibition 2007

FROM DEIRDRE KELLEGHER: Announcing 50 years of Space Celebration early October 2007. As part of the IAS celebration of its 70 years involvement in Irish Astronomy, I am organising a Space Art Competition/Exhibition to be held in Gonzaga College Dublin. If you are a teacher, or are involved with a youth group here are the details.
I would like drawings, paintings, sketches, of spacecraft/planets/moons/ whatever you can do best, or models of spacecraft for the exhibition, all works to be with me by September 30th or earlier if possible.
You can spark the interest before school finishes for the summer and really go for it when school returns in September. Planets, Sputnik, Apollo, Mars Rovers, Cassini indeed any and all spacecraft or heavenly bodies are welcome in any art medium. All ages, all abilities
Send to our PO Box 2547 Dublin 14 or contact me at for further information. I would like young people to explore the exploration of space through art and celebrate these wonderful robot explorers and the fabulous work they have done and are doing in space . Human space exploration celebration art would also be wonderful, ideally you would bring your work to Gonzaga and collect it afterwards if you wish it returned
We will have several talks on Space and Space exploration at this event, details to follow later as it all gels together .
Send me an e mail if you intend to take part or if you have any contribution to make in organising or helping us out with this:

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