Monday, 19 March 2007

BAA Tribute to Sir Patrick Moore

On April 24, the BBC's Sky At Night programme and Sir Patrick Moore (a BAA member for more than 70 years) celebrate 50 years of continual broadcasting: the world's longest running television programme with the same presenter.
Many astronomers, amateur and professional alike, have been inspired by Patrick and the programme over the years. Following a suggestion by one of the BAA's younger members, Philip Jennings, they are giving members and others an opportunity to send a personal greeting to Patrick on this unique achievement. Visit this webpage where you can add your name and also send a personal greeting or message. The address is:
They plan to present Patrick with his "Sky at Night at 50" greetings card and read out some of your messages on the anniversary date. Hopefully this will come as a pleasant surprise for him. (via Richard Miles, BAA President)

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