Subject: Lecture, IAA Events, end of SAN? More events, Tom wins, WSW,
Re-Entry + 18 more!
Hi all,
1. IAA LECTURE, 2 October. Dr Paul Dawson, TCD. "Star Chef: Cooking
with the Stars ".
TV schedules are full of cookery programmes. But of course, all the
ultimate cooking, of the elements in food and everything else, was
done either in the Big Bang or in the nuclear furnaces in the stars.
And if you use an iron frying pan, the iron in it originated in a
supernova explosion.
In this entertaining and easily accessible talk, Paul will explain
just how to create a star, and how the stars create all the elements
other than Hydrogen and Helium (and a wee bit of Lithium). He won't
actually create a star in the lecture theatre (at least, I hope not!),
so it will be a case of 'Here's one I made earlier'.
The lecture is free and open to all, including free refreshments.
It will be held in the Bell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, Queen's
University, Belfast, at 7.30 p.m.
Thanks to the Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB, for help in
hosting these lectures.
2. IAA Astronomy Day at Carrickfergus Civic Centre, 5 October.
Yet another new venue: This time we have been invited to the lovely
new Civic Centre in Carrickfergus.
Time: 1.30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
It will follow our usual very successful formula for an afternoon
event: Talks in the Stardome, Exhibition, telescope display, hands on
meteorites, space memorabilia, DVDs etc, with Solar observing in the
courtyard. The facility has an excellent cafe, so come along and help,
or enjoy, this great new location. Car parking (pay & display) is
available at the car parks just off the Marine Highway (the main A2
Shore Road, just past the Castle, going towards Whitehead), so maybe
arrange to car share, or use public transport? Or there may be other
free parking nearby, e.g. at the Victoria Road Shopping Centre, a bit
further out along the Marine Highway towards Whitehead (does anyone
know if that's free or not?).
Address: Carrickfergus Borough Council, Museum & Civic Centre, 11
Antrim Street, Carrickfergus BT38 8DG, SatNav: 54 deg 42' 58"N; 5 deg
48' 21.6" W.
3. IAA Display at Belfast Central Library: Saturday 12 October. More
details on this in next bulletin.
4. IAA Telescope night: Sep 27 or 28, at Delamont Country Park, near
Killyleagh. Weather dependant. Check IAA website,,
at 18.00 each night to see if event is going ahead. If cloudy on the
27th, we will try again on the 28th.
5. End of the Sky At Night? Many reports indicate that the last
programme will be broadcast in December.
This story has been in the papers and social media recently. Many many
hundreds of complaints have been sent to the BBC via its online forum.
A Facebook group has been formed to petition the BBC not to axe the
show. Objections have come from both active observers, armchair
astronomers, and ordinary members of the public without a big interest
in astronomy. There is a lot of debate about retaining the show but
making it more modern, with many opinions on all aspects.
Facebook Group
For press reports, see:
This article gives a good sensible analysis of the subject with an
online survey at the end.
There is also the Petition.
You can pass it on via:
6. Armagh Planetarium
(1) Math 'a' Magic; Saturday 12 October 2013
Who says that maths is boring? Join us as we discover the magic and
mystery of maths. Capturing the imagination of children and adults
alike, the math 'a' magicians from Cahoots will demonstrate the power
of mathematics through illusion, misdirection and even mind reading on
Saturday 12 October!
This is an unforgettable learning experience that will blow your mind!
Ages: 7 – 13, Duration: 1 hour, Times: 12.30pm and 2.30pm.
Tickets are free but spaces are limited so please pre-book on 028 37523689.
(2) Planetarium Open Night, Tuesday 15 October
Armagh Planetarium will be hosting a public telescope viewing session
as part of our programme of FREE Open Nights starting on Tuesday 15
October 2013. On this evening night sky observation is hoped to take
place (weather permitting) from 7pm-9pm.
At 7.30pm there is also an opportunity to see the stars whatever
the weather in our Digital Theatre show 'Beyond the Blue'. If you
already have a telescope or binoculars you are welcome to bring them
with you for your own use. Dressing warmly is essential for outdoor
Times: Open 7pm -9pm, Digital Theatre Show: 7.30pm
TEL: 028 37523689. Pre-booking essential
7. IAS Meeting, Dublin. IAS Opening lecture by Evelyn Cusack (Mét
Eireann). A talk that is sure to interest all astronomers (because it
affects us so much!).
Ireland's Weather: A Journey through Time. by Dr Evelyn Cusack. Monday
30th Sep 2013 at 8pm
Admission: free, all welcome. Venue: Ely House, 8 Ely Place, off St
Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.
(near the Shelbourne Hotel. Convenient to buses, Luas & trains. Best
bet for car parking is on Merrion Sq.).
8. Galway Star Party. Advance notice of the next Galway Star Party: 1
February 2014. More details later, but mark your diaries now.
9. Congratulations to Tom O'Donoghue: Tom got the runner up prize in
the Deep Space Category of the Astronomy Photographer of the Year
competition, which is being exhibited at the Royal Observatory's
Astronomy Centre in Greenwich. Tom's shot was a magnificent portrait
of the Rho Ophiuchii and Antares region, with the beautiful coloured
nebulosity. Well done Tom.
See details at:
10. Satellite Re-Entry soon: A medium sized satellite, GOCE, is due to
re-enter the Earth's atmosphere in the next month or so. Some bits may
survive and fall to Earth. Ireland is within the possible target zone,
but the chances of a fall here are VERY remote. See^headlines
11. NEW ASTRONOMY PROJECT ON LA PALMA: Dr Ana Garcia Suarez, formerly
at Armagh Observatory, has launched a new project in La Palma, Canary
Islands, and asked me to circulate the following details (slightly
edited). '' is an astrotourism project for tourists
and also for amateur astronomers. We take astronomy tours,
astroparties, organise workshops and rent telescopes for astronomers
that do not wish to travel with heavy equipment.
If you are particularly keen on landscape astrophotography or
timelapse check out the website. E:
Tel: +34 922 410 431, Mob: +34 622 805 618
BTW, Ana's husband David is an astronomer at GTC: Gran Telescopio de Canarias.
12. COMET ISON - LATEST: Still fainter than originally predicted. We
may get a better idea of how it is developing when the Curiosity Rover
attempts to image it as it passes close to Mars.
See also:
13. Cork: Lecture at BCO: On Saturday 28 Sep BCO will present a free
talk from 7-8.30pm on The Dunhuang Star Chart, the world's oldest star
chart - a spectacular document relating to the history of astronomy.
This will be given by French astrophysicist, Dr. Jean-Marc
Bonnet-Bidaud. They are also showing two films from CNRS – the French
national agency for scientific research: 'The Dunhuang Star Chart' -
a documentary on the work carried out by Jean-Marc and his team, and '
The Draconids Encounter 2011' - a documentary on one of the most
famous meteor showers, the Draconids, from the comet Giacobini-Zinner.
14. ISS: the ISS is currently making a series or morning passes over Ireland.
The Cygnus supply craft may also be visible, For details for your
location, see:
15. WORLD SPACE WEEK: World Space Week 2013 'Exploring Mars,
Discovering Earth' Global Analogue Campaign. From 4-10 October, more
than twenty organizations spread across four continents will be
exploring Mars - and discovering more about Earth in the process. A
campaign of networked Mars analogue demonstrations is being launched
to celebrate World Space Week (WSW) 2013. See previous bulletin for
16. LARGEST METEORITE BICENTENARY: An Irish meteorite's anniversary.
The Limerick meteorite fall occurred on 10th September 1813. The
largest piece, weighing more than 27kg (about 64lb) is on display in
the Ulster Museum (in the meteorite gallery) until early November, on
loan from National Museum in Dublin.
It is by far the biggest meteorite to fall anywhere in Ireland / UK
in historic times. There were several rather florid eyewitness
accounts in newspapers of the time, and these show that it was a
spectacular event with bright lights, loud bangs, a smoke trail (a bit
like the Russian meteor earlier this year) and some substantial dents
in the ground. (from Mike Simms, NMNI)
17. ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION: (Via Prof Brian Espey, TCD). I found
out a short while ago about this competition for Deep Sky
astrophotographers - perhaps you know someone who might wish to enter
for a cash prize.
Interested parties should email Romano Corradi at the IAC in La
Palma ( ) to register and to receive further
18. FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS: (From Paul Nugent) Although designed for
teachers of Physics, interested adults are welcome to attend:
IoP Frontiers of Physics 2013, School of Physics, UCC, Sat Sept 28th;
Annual Conference for Teachers of Physics including Junior Science
This years Institute of Physics teachers Conference takes place in
UCC, Sat Sept 28th We have an interesting programme for the day.
highlights include:
Prof Malcolm Longair Cambridge University
Tour of Crawford Observatory
Science on Stage Workshop
ESA Space Science Workshop
See for full details
19. PICS FOR NEW IAA WEBSITE PHOTO GALLERY. President and webmaster
Paul Evans has produced an excellent new photo gallery on the updated
IAA website. See We would love to have any photos
from members showing past IAA events and activities for a "Pics from
the Archive" section. Credits will be given to respective owners of
20. STARGAZING LIVE returns on 7 - 9 January 2014. The IAA has once
again been asked to be principal partner with the BBC for this
prestigious event. More details later, but mark your diaries now.
21. New Brian Cox TV series on British Scientists. See:
22. Calling all Irish Geoscientists to the GEO-Gathering 2013! (I know
that many astronomers are also interested in geology, so this may be
of interest.T.M.)
Ireland is hosting a national initiative, The Gathering 2013, to
invite the international Irish community or anybody who has ever
lived, visited, studied or worked here, to return home in 2013. The
initiative has captured the public imagination and an exciting range
of community, heritage and specialist events have been organised all
over the country – see
To celebrate the concept, a group of active Irish geological
organisations (IAEG, IGI, IMQS and Geological Survey of Ireland) has
come together to organise a geologically-focused gathering in October
2013, named 'The GEO-Gathering'. The thrust is to invite the Irish
geological community from Ireland, UK, Canada, the Americas, Africa
and Australasia to attend an informal event over the weekend of 19-20
October 2013 at the Menlo Park Hotel in Galway, with speakers/
conversations/ music and 'craic' among our colleagues.
Why not join us on Saturday 19th October to hear geoscientists of
excellence, working across all sectors. If you have ever lived,
worked, studied or visited Ireland, YOU are invited to 'come home' to
catch up with your geo-colleagues from Ireland and all over the world
in October - there is a long tradition of geologists returning for
such flagship events and you can be guaranteed that the welcome will
be as warm as ever!
Why not join us for dinner on the evening of Saturday 19th October,
to meet old friends and colleagues and enjoy chats over traditional
Irish music and drinks. There will be a field trip to the world-famous
UNESCO recognised Burren and Cliffs of Moher GeoPark on Sunday 20th
October, led by the GeoPark's Dr Eamon Doyle – see
To book your place at Geo-Gathering speakers, dinner and field trip,
please visit our website:
For information on 4* accommodation at Menlo Park:
(BTW, in May 2012, I suggested something very similar to this for
the Irish astronomical community to the ASGI, and to the Astronomy &
Space Committee of the RIA, and to various other professional
astronopmers in Ireland but nothing seems to have happened? TM)
(I wonder will they be able to get insurance?)^headlines^headlines^headlines
(typical headline. NASA does not say there is no life on Mars, just
that they haven't found methane evidence yet!)
(well, it would seem a bit tame after the Enterprise!)^headlines
(Is it on 'roaming' charges now?)^headlines^headlines
24. TWITTER: Follow the IAA on Twitter: @IaaAstro
link downloads a Word document to join the IAA.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'gift-aid' box, as that
enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription,
at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you
wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also
Clear skies,
Terry Moseley
I'm now back on Twitter (occasionally - I don't have enough time!),
after some temporary hiccups: @terrymoseley2
Friday, 27 September 2013
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Lecture, SPA, Mars, Stran, Free event, LaPalma, BCO, PM, SAN, ISON + 12 more!
Hi all,
1. IAA OPENING LECTURE, 18 September. Prof Colin Cunningham. "Mega Telescopes: how and why?" The European Southern Observatory will soon blast off the top of a mountain in the Atacama desert, to start construction of a telescope five times bigger than any existing today. This telescope is known as the European Extremely Large Telescope, or E-ELT. The primary mirror will be made from 798 mirrors and will be 39m in diameter, and be controlled to nanometre accuracy. He will describe the engineering challenges of this giant telescope, and give a preview of some of the exciting astronomy discoveries that may result, from the first galaxies to Earthlike planets.
Prof Cunningham is Director, UK E-ELT Programme, and is also involved in projects with ESA and the UK Space Agency.
The lecture is free and open to all, including free refreshments. It will be held in the Bell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, Queen's University, Belfast, at 7.30 p.m.
Thanks to the Astrophysics Research Centre, QUB, for help in hosting these lectures.
2. SPA MEETING: On behalf of Queen's University Belfast, Armagh Observatory and the Society for Popular Astronomy, we would like to invite all amateur astronomers to an all-day meeting held in honour of the SPA's 60th anniversary.
The meeting will take place in the Department of Physics and Astronomy from 9:30am until 5:30pm on
Saturday 21st September, and will consist of a series of popular-level talks given by professional
astronomers on their research here in Northern Ireland.
Additionally, on Sunday 22nd September there will be an organised visit to Armagh Observatory.
Visitors will be given a guided tour of the observatory and astropark, followed by a lunch reception
hosted by the Lord Mayor of Armagh. Please note that this visit is restricted to 45 people due to venue
and transport limitations.
More details and bookings can be made at the following website:
Attendance at the meeting is free, but we ask that people register so that we can estimate numbers
for tea/coffee.
Best Wishes, Prof. Alan Fitzsimmons, Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast
The meeting will take place in the Department of Physics and Astronomy from 9:30am until 5:30pm on
Saturday 21st September, and will consist of a series of popular-level talks given by professional
astronomers on their research here in Northern Ireland.
Additionally, on Sunday 22nd September there will be an organised visit to Armagh Observatory.
Visitors will be given a guided tour of the observatory and astropark, followed by a lunch reception
hosted by the Lord Mayor of Armagh. Please note that this visit is restricted to 45 people due to venue
and transport limitations.
More details and bookings can be made at the following website:
Attendance at the meeting is free, but we ask that people register so that we can estimate numbers
for tea/coffee.
Best Wishes, Prof. Alan Fitzsimmons, Astrophysics Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast
3. ASTRONOMY COURSES STRANMILLIS, DATE CHANGE. Stranmillis College have asked me to delay the start of this lecture series by one week, so it will run for 10 weeks on Tuesday evenings, starting on 17 September, and finishing on 19 November, i.e. without a break at the end of October. Other details as before:
Due to popular demand (yes, really!), my astronomy courses at Stranmillis are to be continued this autumn. The new series will build on what the last course covered, but with a more practical content, including on-site observing where possible. It's not necessary for anyone to have attended the first course, as no (or very little) prior knowledge will be assumed.
For details see the Stranmillis Lifelong Learning section website,396223,en.pdf, go to p 23 for my course.
You can download an enrolment form at,231524,en.pdf
Please pass this on to anyone you know who might be interested.
4. Mars enters the Beehive: No, it won't get stung: it's the celestial beehive, also called Praesepe, or M44, an Open Cluster in Cancer. It is gradually approaching the cluster, and will enter it (apparently, as seen from Earth) on the night of 8/9 Sep, and be well inside it the following night. Mars will be much brighter, at about mag 1.4, than the cluster stars, but it should still be a lovely sight in binoculars or a wide field telescope.
5. OBSERVATION WANTED: Sep 15: IMPORTANT: Dr Pedro Lacerda of the Astrophysics Dept at QUB has asked me if any IAA members (or others), would be able to help with an important observation on Sep 15, at about 20.12 UT (21.12 BST). 2005 UQ513 is an Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt Object that is predicted to pass in front of a 14th mag star, and so occult it. See previous bulletin for details.
6. FREE SHOWS AT ARMAGH PLANETARIUM: As part of European Heritage Open Days (EHOD), Armagh Planetarium will be opening for a free day on Saturday 14th September 2013. You will get a chance to see a show of your choice for free. Opening hours 10am - 5pm.
Digital Theatre Show Times:
11am – Little Yellow Star (Suitable for pre-school children)
12 noon – Perfect Little Planet (Family show)
1pm – We are Aliens! (Age restricted – no entry for under 6's)
2pm – Beyond the Blue: A Stargazing Journey (Age restricted – no entry for under 6's)
3pm – Sun, Moon and Stars (Family show)
4pm – Astronaut (Age restricted – no entry for under 6's)
Pre-Booking is essential for theatre shows as seats are limited - Call on 02837 523689
Digital Theatre Show Times:
11am – Little Yellow Star (Suitable for pre-school children)
12 noon – Perfect Little Planet (Family show)
1pm – We are Aliens! (Age restricted – no entry for under 6's)
2pm – Beyond the Blue: A Stargazing Journey (Age restricted – no entry for under 6's)
3pm – Sun, Moon and Stars (Family show)
4pm – Astronaut (Age restricted – no entry for under 6's)
Pre-Booking is essential for theatre shows as seats are limited - Call on 02837 523689
7. NEW ASTRONOMY PROJECT ON LA PALMA: Dr Ana Garcia Suarez, formerly at Armagh Observatory, has launched a new project in La Palma, Canary Islands, and asked me to circulate the following details (slightly edited). '' is an astrotourism project for tourists and also for amateur astronomers. We take astronomy tours, astroparties, organise workshops and rent telescopes for astronomers that do not wish to travel with heavy equipment.
Next week I´ll have with me 7 amateur astronomers from Ireland. Also at the end of September I´m organising the first AstroMaster La Palma with Babak Tafreshi (TWAN, editor of Sky & Telescope....with 50 APODs to date) and Christoph Malin (TWAN, National Geographic and very experienced timelapser: ). If you are particularly keen on landscape astrophotography or timelapse check out the website. E:
Tel: +34 922 410 431, Mob: +34 622 805 618
BTW, Ana's husband David is an astronomer at GTC: Gran Telescopio de Canarias.…
Tel: +34 922 410 431, Mob: +34 622 805 618
BTW, Ana's husband David is an astronomer at GTC: Gran Telescopio de Canarias.…
8. EVENTS AT BLACKROCK CASTLE OBSERVATORY: for details of the latest events at Blackrock Castle Observatory, including the Junior Space Camp on September 14.
9. Patrick Moore Event, Leicester:
On 28 September 2013 the Royal Astronomical Society, in collaboration with the National Space Centre, will be holding an event to commemorate Sir Patrick Moore and celebrate his life and legacy. The event will be held at the National Space Centre, Leicester, and tickets (which must be booked in advance) will cost £25.
Further details, along with a booking link, may be found at:
Further details, along with a booking link, may be found at:
10. BBC The Sky at Night: Fatal Attraction: Chris Lintott talks to the Astronomer Royal about black holes, the beating heart of galaxies which also have a destructive side. The longer version of the programme will be on Sun Sep. 08 at 02:20am on BBC FOUR
11. MAJOR FIREBALL IN USA: On August 28 a ~100 lb meteoroid travelling 53,000 mph hit the atmosphere over the south-eastern USA and exploded, producing sonic booms and a fireball as bright as a full Moon. Researchers are now scouring the countryside for fragments that could reveal the nature and origin of the meteoroid. A movie, more information, and updates are available on
Even if we don't see it well from here, we'll be able to watch its very close encounter with the Sun via the almost live SOHO images. It should be visible in the LASCO C3 widefield image from about 06.00 on 26 November to late on Nov 29, and it will shoot quickly through the LASCO C2 narrow-field imager in a few hours around perihelion, on Nov 28d 18h 49m.
13. Research Position at Dublin Tallaght IT. Project: Full time M.Sc. by research at IT Tallaght: Analysis of the public understanding and value of, and expectation from science. Principle Supervisor: Kevin Nolan, Lecturer in Physics, School of Science, IT Tallaght. See previous bulletin for details, or contact
14. Talk By Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, NUIG Astronomy Society, Tuesday, 24 September, 19:00. 15. WORLD SPACE WEEK: World Space Week 2013 'Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth' Global Analogue Campaign. From 4-10 October, more than twenty organizations spread across four continents will be exploring Mars - and discovering more about Earth in the process. A campaign of networked Mars analogue demonstrations is being launched to celebrate World Space Week (WSW) 2013. See previous bulletin for details.
14. Talk By Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, NUIG Astronomy Society, Tuesday, 24 September, 19:00.
"A lightweight introduction to gravitational radiation". Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves - sometimes called ripples in space-time. Was he right? What are these ripples? How would we 'see' them? What could produce them? And are they any use anyway? This talk introduces these waves and shows that we are on the threshold of detecting a whole new spectrum of radiation. All welcome.
16. LARGEST METEORITE BICENTENARY: Another Irish meteorite has an impending anniversary. This time it's the Limerick meteorite fall of 10th September 1813. The largest piece, weighing more than 27kg (about 64lb) will be on display in the Ulster Museum (in the meteorite gallery) between 10th September (next Tuesday) and early November, on loan from National Museum in Dublin.
It is by far the biggest meteorite to fall anywhere in Ireland / UK in historic times. There were several rather florid eyewitness accounts in newspapers of the time, and these show that it was a spectacular event with bright lights, loud bangs, a smoke trail (a bit like the Russian meteor earlier this year) and some substantial dents in the ground. (from Mike Simms, NMNI)
It is by far the biggest meteorite to fall anywhere in Ireland / UK in historic times. There were several rather florid eyewitness accounts in newspapers of the time, and these show that it was a spectacular event with bright lights, loud bangs, a smoke trail (a bit like the Russian meteor earlier this year) and some substantial dents in the ground. (from Mike Simms, NMNI)
17. IAA Member's letter in Radio Times: this letter is in the latest Radio Times (7-13 Sep). (Mike features again!)
"On 15 February a 10,000 ton meteor exploded, more than 100 times more powerful than the North Korean nuclear test of a few days previously. Nothing like it had happened for a century, and the shock wave injured more than 1,000 people. There was spectacular footage that media organisations could (and did) call upon. Yet what did BBC News lead with? More on the horsemeat scandal, which had already been running for several days. The meteor explosion featured as the third item. By contrast, Channel 4 News led with it. Dr Michael J Simms Ballycowan, Antrim"
18. PICS FOR NEW IAA WEBSITE PHOTO GALLERY. President and webmaster Paul Evans has produced an excellent new photo gallery on the updated IAA website. See We would love to have any photos from members showing past IAA events and activities for a "Pics from the Archive" section. Credits will be given to respective owners of course.
19. STARGAZING LIVE returns on 7 - 9 January 2014. The IAA has once again been asked to be principal partner with the BBC for this prestigious event. More details later, but mark your diaries now.
(amazing photos!) (celestial line dancing? TM.)^headlines Trust the DM to have a dogmatic headline!) (A more interesting question is that if they do succeed in bagging an asteroid, and getting it into lunar orbit, would NASA then have exclusive rights to it?)
21. TWITTER: Follow the IAA on Twitter: @IaaAstro
22. NEW LINK! JOINING the IRISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION is easy: This link downloads a Word document to join the IAA.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the 'gift-aid' box, as that enables us to reclaim the standard rate of tax on your subscription, at no cost to you. You can also make a donation via Paypal if you wish: just click on the 'Donate' button. See also
Clear skies,
Terry Moseley
I'm now back on Twitter, after some temporary hiccups: @terrymoseley2