Sunday, 17 January 2010


Hi all,

1. ISS: The International Space Station is now making another set of excellent early evening passes over Ireland. It now often appears brighter than Jupiter, so you can't miss it if it's passing over in a clear sky. Full details for your location are on the free website, along with other information such as Iridium flares, again specific to your own location.

2. Fantastic Galactic Imagery and a Celestial Extravaganza at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition 2010, RDS, Dublin.
In its 46th year the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is much more than a competition; it is an unforgettable experience of a lifetime for the students who take part. The exhibition itself is the final stage in the competition which is open to all second level students from Ireland, both North and South. As well as the 500 student projects on display, there are a further four exhibition halls filled with science and technology based exhibits and entertainment, making it a thrilling event for those who enter and for general visitors too.

At this year’s event, astronomy and space science once again has star billing with the spectacular GigaGalaxyZoom images on display and a 3D Celestial Extravaganza. The European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) GigaGalaxy Zoom project connects the sky as seen by the unaided eye with that seen by amateur and professional astronomers. The project reveals three amazing, ultra-high-resolution images of the night sky that stargazers can explore in an incredible level of detail.

The GigaGalaxy Zoom project is true to the vision of International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009), which is to help people rediscover their place in the Universe through the day- and night-time sky.

The Celestial Extravaganza show merges gaming technology with the latest 3D stereo animations from the European Southern Observatory to create a cosmic voyage of discovery. Along the way the audience visit the planets of the Solar System, a myriad of beautiful and mysterious objects in the Milky Way galaxy and travel through space and back in time to observe the sheer scale and size of the universe.

The show is produced by the Northern Ireland Space Office and LearnIT3d Ltd with support from BT, the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies and the European Southern Observatory.

The BT Young Scientist and technology Exhibition takes place at the RDS Arena and showgrounds and will be launched on Wednesday 13th January and open to primary schools on 14th, Secondary schools on 15th and the general public on the 16th. More information on the exhibition can be found at

Clear Skies,

Terry Moseley

1 comment:

  1. The show is produced by the Northern Ireland Space Office and LearnIT3d Ltd with support from BT, the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies and the European Southern Observatory.
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